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Displaying Critiques 1 to 14 out of 14 Total Critiques.Poem Title | Poet Name | Critique Given by Annette L Cowling | Critique Date |
Her Healing Hands | Mark D. Kilburn | Mark - I enjoyed reading your poem, what a lovely piece of work! You've incorporated nature throughout the poem and the effect is very nice. Thank you for sharing! Annette | 2003-12-06 20:34:22 |
Watermarks | Mell W. Morris | Mell - Your poem has a kind of moody sadness to it and I think you've done an excellent job of describing the city surrounding this most interesting character in the poem. In the midst of the descriptions of the view of the lake and the print shop is a tribute of sorts for a person proud of his heritage, but realistic enough to admit what he dislikes about it and rises above it. That is my view. In enjoyed your poem, thanks for sharing. Annette | 2003-12-06 12:22:40 |
The Wall | Sergio M chavez | Sergio - What a moving poem! I especially like the part about perpetual euphoria...a lovely nursery to breed the demons. The descriptions you've used are great, thanks for a great poem. Annette | 2003-12-03 16:02:52 |
Tsa-ga-gla-tal | Joanne M Uppendahl | Joanne - I love unusual titles for poems and this one fits that criteria. The moon is inspirational nearly anytime of the year. Thanks for sharing your poetic perspective. I enjoyed it! Annette | 2003-11-24 05:11:08 |
Day At The Beach | marilyn terwilleger | Marilyn - I enjoyed your poem, it's very descriptive and moving. I thought of this very subject the other day while viewing a newscast and seeing the palm trees in distant places of turmoil. There are all too many lovely places being spoiled by war. Or the poem brings to mind, the places that have only ever known war and have no idea what a scenic beach is, and how lucky we are to have the lovely oceansides and islands that we have. One other thing I would add is that the word horizon, is spelled horizan in your poem. A small typo, but a beautiful poem. Annette | 2003-11-23 13:57:09 |
The Cross | Jordan Brendez Bandojo | Jordan - A very unique poem of encouragement and one that we can all identify with. Thanks for sharing! Annette | 2003-11-21 06:33:38 |
Crafted in the Hands of Shakespeare | April Rose Ochinang Claessens | April - I am partial to this type of poetry, it has such a regal quality to it. Your descriptions are romantically imaginative and this maintains the readers attention. Very well done! Annette | 2003-11-20 07:13:21 |
The Other Side | Mell W. Morris | Mell - What a beautiful piece of work! This poem is so pleasing to the senses with descriptive phrases that flow together so well. Funny you should write that your favorite bridges are not the formal ones, but the older wooden ones. Indeed the faded old bridges seem to spark the imagination the most and we are more keenly aware of our surroundings by their inspiration. The great lines in your poem are too numorous to mention, but I guess my favorite one would be: "Covered with honeysuckle vines that twine along the railing, they assail with spendid scents". This is really superb writing! Annette | 2003-11-19 08:02:07 |
Birth Right | Ken Dauth | Ken - Your poem is so true and it says so much. Well done. Annette | 2003-11-18 15:33:18 |
The Rush | Ken Dauth | Ken - I cannot believe what a great poem this is! You have exciting emotion in every stanza and your word choices are excellent! I wouldn't change a thing. Annette | 2003-11-18 15:29:50 |
Finding Hope | Rick Barnes | Rick - There is plenty of inspiration in nature as winter begins to take hold and you certainly found your inspiration with this poem. I love your descriptions and the title is excellent. Thanks for providing a truly great poem to read. Annette | 2003-11-17 16:09:35 |
A Better Man | stephen g skipper | Stephen - I really enjoyed this poem! It has such an elegant romantic quality about it. I particularily love the part in the second stanza about tears being caught by angels without wings. That description alone sets the mood for a wonderful poem. Looking back on days gone by and dancing with the same woman is needless to say a blissfully romantic notion. I like your poem. Keep up the great work! Annette | 2003-11-13 07:22:39 |
A Fragment | Sandra J Kelley | Sandra - I get the feeling from this poem that the writer is devoted to his craft. He is writing for the satifaction of utilizing the skill he was born with. The words going up into the air is a very moving part. I like the unique idea of writing for the sake of writing and not looking for any return. This is an idea I have not seen before. Keep up the good work! Annette | 2003-11-13 07:07:32 |
Talking To The Trees | Mell W. Morris | Mell - I am not an expert at all in critiquing poetry. The extent of my writing experience is really just exchanging poems every other week with another writer of poetry. He is a writer of songs as well as poetry. I am new to this phase of writing, but I do know what I like. Your poem "Talking To The Trees" really makes me quite envious, because it deals with the seasonal falling of leaves and turns that subject into a reason to rejoice! I especially like the comparison you made in the third paragraph: "Leaves are like pages of poetry that assuage loneliness." I think the ending is really powerful! Your poem certainly is as good or better than I have read in books of poetry. Excellent writing! Annette | 2003-11-09 19:47:42 |
Poem Title | Poet Name | Critique Given by Annette L Cowling | Critique Date |
Displaying Critiques 1 to 14 out of 14 Total Critiques.
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