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I Must Go Down To The Sea Again Thalassa, the sea! Love, come be with me by the high tides and see an aggregate of clouds that shrouds then scurries to the south. The blessings of the sea beckon through its rustling reeds. Water sanctifies and stirs like the touch of a sword to a shoulder which be-sirs. Your presence here is the clear essence I need. By the sea beside me, your reach and scope royally fulfill me. The hope in your face, the grace in every inflection infect me with passion and affection. Come, stay at my side and if you deeply care, share with me the neap of the tide. My love, be for me like the sea. |
This Poem was Critiqued By: Leo Wilder On Date: 2004-02-07 16:22:13
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.81818
I must go too. Sorry I'm not saying more, but I want to take that same trip.