This Poem was Submitted By: Joanne M Uppendahl On Date: 2004-11-19 20:45:22 . . . Click Here To Mail this Poem to a Friend!To Listen to Music While Reading this Poem, just Click Here!
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Earth, Moon and Sun (connected haiku)
Toward Earth’s round face
Sun radiates each morning--
She accepts his warmth
When viewed from the Moon,
Around Earth’s rim it’s Sunrise--
Darkness at her back
In Earth’s endless spin
The Sun holds her securely--
Keeping her in space
Earth might lighten up
Ablaze within her own heart--
Astonishing Sun
Copyright © November 2004 Joanne M Uppendahl
This Poem was Critiqued By: Elaine Marie Phalen On Date: 2004-12-02 20:52:03
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
Hi Joanne,
This is way down on my list but I just had to stop by and see what you'd done with it. The "heavenly" haiku seem to be one of your leitmotifs lately. This one is extremely well done, in terms of the interconnected yet separate strophes. The sense of mutual attraction between earth and Sun confers upon them a human quality (possibly an innate spirituality) that allows them to remain in harmony. Earth orbits her powerful would-be lover; Sun woos her, but like many an admirer-from-afar, is also aware that she can come no closer unless she is willing to risk everything. Some love affairs are just too dangerous!
Toward Earth’s round face
Sun radiates each morning--
She accepts his warmth
"Accepts" is, of course, inevitable; she has little choice. But there's a certain coquettish implication. It's the warmth she wants, not the light. Heat=passion. Hmmm, of course! The sun's rays give rise to all of earthly creation. By permitting them to penetrate her cloud shield, Earth is fertilized and conceives the primordial molecules that form DNA and, ultimately, all living beings.
When viewed from the Moon,
Around Earth’s rim it’s Sunrise--
Darkness at her back
This is another perspective. There's always the darkness, hiding within every soul, every incarnation. Without the dark, how would we recognize light? Yet she has placed that darkness behind her, seeking instead the sun's continuing embrace.
In Earth’s endless spin
The Sun holds her securely--
Keeping her in space
The sensuality of this relationship is further explored here. The two are like dance partners, waltzing through the ethereal realms. He must hold her, yet he cannot possess her - the ultimate paradox. If he releases her to fly off, he will lose her and she will die. Yet he cannot claim her because too close an encounter would also destroy his companion. "Endless spin" suggests both rotation and revolution, orbit and axis. It is truly a complex performance.
Earth might lighten up
Ablaze within her own heart--
Astonishing Sun
Ah, now we come to the possible consummation. If it does end in this way, "lighten up" implies a radiation from the core, and "ablaze within her own heart" speaks of eruption. As the planet veers toward the star she circles, a molten hell will spill forth and the intense heat will incinerate her. This is, as we know, the fate of the solar system, although long after we have ceased to care about such things. "Astonishing Sun" is definitely the truth, for the inward spiral of an inflamed planet would be both spectacular and - except to the ancient scientists - unexpected.
Thus, by possession, the Sun also loses forever his feminine counterpart and soulmate. I wonder if this happens to us all? Does yin neutralize yang when they combine? Is there any awareness of gender among souls after death? When we achieve Nirvana, or whatever term we care to use in its place, are we both exalted and annihilated as individuals?
Your tone is playful and the haiku format appears to preclude profound exploration ... yet I believe there's much to be gleaned from this piece once one delves beneath the metaphors. It's a treat to read; it's also, on a deeper level, a means of approaching the whole idea of destiny, karma and balance - the "harmony of the spheres" that is more and more becoming understood, even as an element of quantum physics.
Thanks so much for giving me this, to think about. It is a special offering, as always.
Joy and Peace,
This Poem was Critiqued By: James Edward Schanne On Date: 2004-11-30 09:23:15
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.52174
The dance of our solar system (well a small part of it but I thought mars might try to cut in) they interact and without speaking express emotion, especially the earths blazing heart( although I hope it doesn't light up that could be a nuclear expression) Thanks for letting me read and comment.
This Poem was Critiqued By: Dellena Rovito On Date: 2004-11-22 16:28:07
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.91667
I wish I wrote this one.
The love betwix the earth and sun.
The view on the moon is the earth rises, like the moon does us.
If the earth were even inches different in the sky there would be
no life. It''s that precarious.
The earth's heart is ablaze with affection. Where would our emotions
have come from? We come from the earth.
I'll stop...
loved it, love you...
This Poem was Critiqued By: Turner Lee Williams On Date: 2004-11-21 16:21:59
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
Joanne--Another set of Japanese Verses whose compliation purposely employed
to relate fascinating and true storys (albeit, Fixed Form told-smile). The
personification of these three reciprocating spheres is highly imaginative
with it's fresh slant on real astronomy: the vivid imagery is a simple yet,
compelling lesson. Thanks for going to great lengths to make this entertain-
ing, educational, and poetical. TLW
This Poem was Critiqued By: marilyn terwilleger On Date: 2004-11-20 12:34:47
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
Hi Joanne,
I am so pleased to see this poem on my list this morning. These wonderful haikus
are so uplifting to me...I see promise in each one. I think if we could see God he
would be crying because His children on earth are not peaceful and there is such a lack
of promise.
toward Earth's round face this!
sun radiates each morning...the one constant in a world of turmoil
she accepts his warmth...yes she does...the sun beings life to all creatures it not only
warms our bodies but also our hearts and souls
when viewed from the Moon,
around earth's rim it's sunrise
darkness at her back.......I get a perfect picture here....I have never viewed earth from
the moon but your words gives me the image so clearly that I
can view the scene in my mind's eye!
in earth's endless spin......another constant we can rely on
the sun holds her securely-
keeping her in space........this is such a mind boggling concept..but you have put it into
prospective with your talented pen!
earth might lighten up
ablaze within her own heart-
astonishing sun.......this is my favorite...I love the notion of the earth having so much
power on her own but holding it back through the ages...lying in
wait, if you will, always being comforted by the fact that she can
illuminate on her own if the sun dare not to appear. In these
horrible times we live in one imagines all sorts of things..from the
sudden end of the world, as we know it, to the thousands of deaths
occuring because of the madness of hate, war, and inhumanity to all.
So to me this is not only a lifting of the spirit but also a message that not all is lost.
The sun, moon, and stars are still there just as they always have been and we can always
depend on that even when times seem hopeless. Thank you, Joanne, for sharing your God
given talent!
This Poem was Critiqued By: Jennifer j Hill On Date: 2004-11-19 22:00:05
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
Hi Joanne ,
This is the romance of the century(s)
This connected Haiku is bound to bring a smile to any lovers face.
It brilliantly shines!
The first image you give us is of the earths round beautiful face,
waiting expectantly each morning. The sun comes a courting
offering warmth of a sunrise as a gift that she accepts like a bouquet
of wild flowers. What a fantastic visual that is! And the assonance of
your face/radiates and toward/morning adds a nice sound.
Gee I hope the moon's feelings aren't hurt. She was such a beautiful glowing bride and
now earth has gone and stole away her groom! Guess she shouldn't have played such games
in matters of the heart, huh? ;)
What a dizzy broad earth is, spinning incessantly. Geeesh! You'd think she wants to be a
ballerina or something! He must have strong broad shoulders to hold her so securely as she
dances! The "s" sounds are in abundance in S3 lending euphony. Music and dancing! Id' say this is
a hit!
What a nice ending this is. With a slant rhyme of might/lighten sings! Ha! Sun didn't know
she had it in her to radiate such love! Great line-beginning "A"s. Yes this love story
radiates warmth into this readers heart. This is better then any romance novel!
You've really acomplished a feat here.
This is a new favorite for me!
I love the images.
Brava! Taking Haiku to a new height.
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