This Poem was Submitted By: James C. Horak On Date: 2007-04-05 17:25:26 . . . Click Here To Mail this Poem to a Friend!

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Splendor Stepping upon earth, discovering sweetness of green growth in spring     turning to golden ripeness in fall for harvest.  All process here matters, all change hearkens the touch of God                                    or its lacking.  Mankind is no less a gem of this working, though he might sometimes    set himself apart, at odds with, to speak to himself assuredly.  The meanings of life lie in broken hesitations, changing like dim light    without more, more than one hand after another brought upon the rope                    in some magical East India rope trick.  Those of severe mind attest little that counts, stumbling upon alley ways    drunken upon escape as they would question God's Thoughts of them.  Little footprints placed here and there in wait to step to stars, but drinking    the dirt of wonder as if it wasn't even a start, a start to stars of burning dirt.  While in all things now and things to come, the faces of splendor, our own.    Telling us ourselves travail: hate, loss, joy and pain, the way we know We are faulty, stumbling, hasty and sad, but desperately not alone. 

Copyright © April 2007 James C. Horak

Additional Notes:
Dedicated to C.S. Lewis

This Poem was Critiqued By: Mark Steven Scheffer On Date: 2007-04-24 18:57:27
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
JCH, Invariably when I read you you trigger some thought on the meaning of poetry, the relation of form to content. Your poems always inspire, I don't know what the right word is, conscience, philosophical speculation . . . ponderings that go to the depths of being, where mind and heart unite. You call to mind a thoughtfulness of how they should unite. You don't have, for me, the aesthetic "splendors" of MAH, TEW, Rachel, or some others. But you provide a substance that does, indeed, make one think that poetry can matter. I am mindful that my judgment as to "form" is not infallible. I only offer it by way of being honest with you as to my perceptions. If part of value in poetry is one's desire to read it and feed on it - and I think it is, as long as the desire is pure and noble, not anti-intellectual or lazy - then your poetry does have a lot of value to me. That may be the final mark of value, a meaning that matters. MSS

This Poem was Critiqued By: Claire H. Currier On Date: 2007-04-23 07:20:27
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.72222
Enjoyed the read James and all the images you created with the flare of your pen and the useage of your words. Stepping upon earth, discovering sweetness of green growth in spring turning to golden ripeness in fall for harvest. All process here matters, all change hearkens the touch of God Springtime is my most favorite season for the simple reason 'life begins again' the cycle of flowers bursting forth from their long winters nap along with those critters that sleep the time away; the big Maple tree outside my bedroom window the birds love to sit and sing in when the sun rises over Mt. Tully; indeed a creation by the hands of God........ Must also agree that mankind certainly sets himself apart from the rest perhaps more of a wishful thing to think he is better then the rest but still the same; Those of severe mind attest little that counts, stumbling upon alley ways drunken upon escape as they would question God's Thoughts of them. Little footprints placed here and there in wait to step to stars, but drinking the dirt of wonder as if it wasn't even a start, a start to stars of burning dirt. To me this brings forth the less fortunate that turn to the escape ways of this world when all else fails them; like the thought of little footprints placed here and there in wait though as they perhaps continue to reach for those stars....... Life is indeed a road we travel every day; some better then others yet still a journey we make of our own choosing. Thanks for posting and sharing these words with us; as always you have created a piece to be worthy of. God Bless, Claire
This Poem was Critiqued By: Dellena Rovito On Date: 2007-04-22 22:22:22
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.75000
James, Quite nice. About living, growing, and man in the equation...... Man assuredly must think he's above all other life forms! Me best, you less.... dirt of wonder is nice! broken hesitation is very nice also. And the humbleness: faulty, stumbling, etc. and assuredly again, not alone. Being not alone helps only so much. But that is our only satisfaction. This says what life is in your eyes. And it's absolutely right on, once Again. love all your words. dellena
This Poem was Critiqued By: DeniMari Z. On Date: 2007-04-11 16:50:04
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
Dear JCH, This is profound with many thought provoking lines included within each verse. The best part of this piece, is it's religious foundation - and the hope we find in believing we are not alone. Stepping upon earth, discovering sweetness of green growth in spring turning to golden ripeness in fall for harvest. All process here matters, all change hearkens the touch of God or its lacking. Mankind is no less a gem of this working, though he might sometimes set himself apart, at odds with, to speak to himself assuredly. Your first verse sets the stage - pulls the reader in, to want to read more. Last line, great imagery, "set himself apart, at odds with, to speak to himself assuredly," which I believe many can relate to in their own lives. The meanings of life lie in broken hesitations, changing like dim light without more, more than one hand after another brought upon the rope in some magical East India rope trick. This verse, a bit more subtle, but still have impact, clear comprehension and the reader stays intrigued. Those of severe mind attest little that counts, stumbling upon alley ways drunken upon escape as they would question God's Thoughts of them. Little footprints placed here and there in wait to step to stars, but drinking the dirt of wonder as if it wasn't even a start, a start to stars of burning dirt. This verse is depressing, but I'm sure you knew that already. Can those who find themselves in defunct environments, living only to serve their basic needs, and not hope to gain any more out of life ever begin again. Very thought provoking. Your last verse, completes the poem, includes not so much imagery, but the emotion necessary to give the poem extra substance in meaning. Good work - it's going to be a tough month here for voting. sincerely, Denimari
This Poem was Critiqued By: Mark Andrew Hislop On Date: 2007-04-08 22:39:51
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 1.00000
JCH Forgive me yet another inadequate response ... I won't flatter myself to call it a critique. It's fitting that you dedicate this to Lewis, since it is as hopeful a poem as Lewis himself. It's a lovely reminder that, if I do not draw too long a bow, that the humblenesses of our existence are doorways to splendour. This reminds me of Blake: "drinking/the dirt of wonder as if it wasn't even a start, a start to stars of burning dirt", his "universe in a grain of sand". "Start with what you have, where you are" is the message, "the kingdom of heaven is within you." Or to quote you, "We are faulty, stumbling, hasty and sad, but desperately not alone". How apt for this site. And how encouraging: that's you in a nutshell. Best always, MAH
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