This Poem was Submitted By: Erzahl Leo M. Espino On Date: 2004-05-27 22:52:42 . . . Click Here To Mail this Poem to a Friend!To Listen to Music While Reading this Poem, just Click Here!
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japanese verse 49 (Eclipse)
Pirate of darkness
Ambushed the moment to steal
The jewel of light
Copyright © May 2004 Erzahl Leo M. Espino
Additional Notes:
- a solar eclipse
This Poem was Critiqued By: Rachel F. Spinoza On Date: 2004-06-02 13:58:47
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.91304
Pirate of darkness
Ambushed the moment to steal
The jewel of light
Lovely sentiment. We can see clarly, by this dimmed light a whole adventure in perception.
This Poem was Critiqued By: Sherri L Smith On Date: 2004-05-31 22:43:51
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
Wow Erzahl, this is so cool!
Beautiful description in such beautiful words. I especially
liked the last line it caps it perfectly.
The jewel of light, how majic!
This Poem was Critiqued By: Turner Lee Williams On Date: 2004-05-29 11:47:36
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.81818
Erzahl–It doesn’t matter how hard we practice and how often we post (and I ‘m sure
most of us will keep trying), we can’t seem to lessen the distance between our version
of the Japanese verse and yours.
The use of nonliteral language for your “Eclipse” recall for me the practice of some
third world country stealing the wife of their neighbor(s) during the night while they
sleep. However, unlike your scenario, this activity is carried out with the aid/cooperation
of the one being stolen . Moreover, it’s a dangerous undertaking and capture of the
conspiring parties is dealt with rather harshly.
Having literally watched an eclipse through special glasses, your explanation create
some vivid imagery. Thanks for sharing another fresh imaginative piece. TLW
This Poem was Critiqued By: Sandra J Kelley On Date: 2004-05-29 09:14:55
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.72000
Erzahl, I am not sure I could have come up with a solar eclipse from your poem but knowing what you were intending I think you chose exactly the right words pirate of darkness is perfect it implies theft and kidnap and disruption. I enjoyed this one. Sandra
This Poem was Critiqued By: Lennard J. McIntosh On Date: 2004-05-28 11:32:24
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.63158
Re: "japanese verse 49 (Eclipse)"
Writer: "Pirate of darkness"
LJMc: Imaginative, to say the least. The mind must surely dance in far-off journies to
achieve this degree of word selection. [This reader wishes he were stronger in this part of the
creative process.]
Writer: "Ambushed the moment to steal"
LJMc: The moon had no say in this matter. It was a waylay that offered the victim
little choice. The writer's creativity comes to the fore again in conceiving the booty to be
time. And, the reader can see it, a moment of time stolen from what the moon considers year
after year, to be normal.
Writer: "The jewel of light"
LJMc: Oh, it is indeed a jewel, for without it we would be deprived one of the
incomperable gifts of Creation.
The writer has demonstrated one of the fascinations of haiku: the ability to design
remarkable mental pictures with few words. In the particular case, the few words amount to a
strict adherence to the genre's form. Good work!
A fellow poet, Lennard McIntosh
This Poem was Critiqued By: Jennifer j Hill On Date: 2004-05-28 10:19:30
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.87500
Hi Erzahl,
I find this japanese verse to be truly exquisite!
First, the subject is such a facinating one.
Solar eclipses have always intrigued me.
As usual every word you use weighs in perfectly to balance
and harmonize the piece.
The idea of the moon being associated with the pirate
of darkness is romantic and adventurous.
The use of 'ambushed' clicks for this reader, going perfectly with the
idea of the pirate.
And then, 'moment' clicks again as it ticks
and to think that the eclipse lasts just a moment and in that moment it's like
time stands still.
Then, 'steal the jewel of light'----This word, 'steal' is significant in that
it implys the taking of something (again in reference to a pirate) that belongs
to someone else. Our jewel of light is taken from us for that moment in time.
Your "L"s sing and soar!
Thanks for the adventure!
This Poem was Critiqued By: Thomas Edward Wright On Date: 2004-05-28 08:55:00
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.38462
now i am hoping
ee rid his computer
of the evilness
This Poem was Critiqued By: Jordan Brendez Bandojo On Date: 2004-05-27 23:45:18
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.93333
Hi Erzahl,
Glad to see your work again! Glad to catch it up in my list.
Hey, this one is wonderful with its language formulation.
You are so accurate in your descriptions.
"Pirate of darkness" ---yep, the methaphor is true! I remember the movie, "Pirate of the Carribean"! Hehe! But I missed to watch it!
"Ambushed the moment to steal
The jewel of light"
Remarkably fine! No wonder, it's Erzahl! Always, stunningly fresh!
How's work? Just asking!
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