This Poem was Submitted By: Claire H. Currier On Date: 2005-01-21 02:59:58 . . . Click Here To Mail this Poem to a Friend!To Listen to Music While Reading this Poem, just Click Here!
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A Letter from Mother
My first Christmas in heaven
And from where I am
I can see you all
At the same time
No its not the magic of the season
Its just the way it is here in heaven
I just wanted to let you know
I am fine
Happy to be with dad
He sends his love
Even after all these years
He never missed a thing
For those of you
Attending services
On Christmas Eve
Check out the night sky
Searching past
The bright North Star
To the left a little you will find
A group of not so bright stars
Yet just as important
If you ask me
For it is our first year
Joining together to sing
When you hear
Hark the Herald
Angels Sing
Glory to the Newborn King
Listen closely and you will hear
Your mother singing too.........
Just wanted to say “Me Too” loves
Each and everyone of you.........
Remember I am with you always,
Love, Mother
Copyright © January 2005 Claire H. Currier
Additional Notes:
Daddy has been gone for over forty years and mama joined him this past march.......her most favorite words
in response to I love you was "Me Too"......
This Poem was Critiqued By: Jennifer j Hill On Date: 2005-02-07 23:17:09
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
Dear Claire,
Well Poet, I know how much you miss you Mama and this is a lovely tribute to her and
your relationship with her. This make it easier to happy holiday with her from afar, doesn't
it? To know she's safe and sound and looking down on your family is a comforting
thought. I know because I heard my Mama singing as well.
Bless you for writing this!
Hope all is going well with you my friend.
This Poem was Critiqued By: Erzahl Leo M. Espino On Date: 2005-02-06 18:23:04
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
Hi Claire,
This is a wonderful and sweet dedication to your Mom! God has set a new angel for us to guide and look upon us. Her silent participation in TPL is sorely missed.
I can feel a different joy in her heart now, now that she is reunited to your Dad.
“I just wanted to let you know
I am fine
Happy to be with dad”
--- I find this reassuring and comforting. I can almost see her smile.
It’s nice to feel that you know that your Mom is ok and fine in Heaven. Now, I will never forget this. Everytime I hear Christmas Carols and Hymns…I will remember the psalm of her words that is everlasting.
Your poem reminds me that in Heaven, its always Christmas! Celebrating with our Savior!
As always,
Erzahl :)
This Poem was Critiqued By: arnie s WACHMAN On Date: 2005-02-05 19:52:44
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.36957
What can I say? Well formed and thought out piece that says your feelings exactly. thank you.
This Poem was Critiqued By: Wanda S. Thibodeaux On Date: 2005-01-23 15:41:21
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.93333
Dear Claire,
Oh Claire, this is a poem to remember, for it is a rarity that you find such natural
sincerity from beginning to end. How you must have felt after completing this. Every
line leads to the "Me too" signature of love. I adore the idea that "It's just the way it
is here in Heaven" for it shows her/your genuine acceptance of the truth, it's not magic.
It is God's promise. My own mother often said, "If you ask me" also and it became an
endearing memory for me.
This poem shows how much you miss her and is such a loving tribute that it makes this
reader's eyes sting with tears.
This is melodious as a heartbeat and is perfection in the sense that change cannot improve
it's meaning.
God bless and comfort you.
My very best,
This Poem was Critiqued By: Tony P Spicuglia On Date: 2005-01-23 12:28:31
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.96000
Claire, when one touches others, they are bringing a piece of themselves to all who wish to partake. It appears there was a lot of that with you and your mother. Here, today, you have touched us with your mother, she again has brought a piece of herself to us all, by proxy, in your words well spoken.
A Letter from Mother – The title prepares us, we know, right now, there is virtue in this verse.
My first Christmas in heaven
And from where I am
I can see you all
At the same time
No its not the magic of the season
Its just the way it is here in heaven – What is best of this stanza is that you define, not your mother, but heaven. Your mother we will come to know in the ensuing verse, but now we know heaven, and are pleased that it is a place your mother “understands”.
I just wanted to let you know
I am fine
Happy to be with dad
He sends his love
Even after all these years
He never missed a thing – In this verse, and the matter of fact manner of your mother, we are beginning to know her. You haven’t shared a thing about her, it is her words which reveal her soul to us. And your Father, it is obviously your mothers way to encourage and sooth, and she knows it is important to you, that daddy is in heaven. (My goodness, everyone knows it is harder for dads to get there than moms, right?).
For those of you
Attending services
On Christmas Eve
Check out the night sky
Searching past
The bright North Star – This is a telling contribution to your verse, your mother wants to place herself, out of the limelight “not the bright star” but off to the left, there in the chorus!! As if anyone would have trouble finding her star!!
To the left a little you will find
A group of not so bright stars
Yet just as important
If you ask me
For it is our first year
Joining together to sing – You continue to define your mother well, and we know her well now. She knows her value to you, and to the universe, but also, she has joined others to sing during a time that is important to her, to you. Just in case you couldn’t hear her singing, she’s letting you know where to find the melody, hers, and yours.
When you hear
Hark the Herald
Angels Sing
Glory to the Newborn King
Listen closely and you will hear
Your mother singing too.........- Your mother reinforces the “environement” of heaven, of “The Lord”, of the goodness that awaits good people. I like that she is not at all shy in rubbing shoulders with Jesus, maybe she, as all, was a sinner at some level, but the redemption of life, of church, of the meaning of Christmas, is also mirrored in her voice and her smile. A tremendous revelation in this Stanza, now, we wish our mothers were all as she is; how can one measure such value?
Just wanted to say “Me Too” loves
Each and everyone of you......... – In a finally of this, and the next line, most endearing of all earthly words were transmitted, not a book, not proverbs of dubious value, but simply “Me Too”, that speaks to reassure/touch/recall beauty/and-or meet the emotional needs of all souls who waited to hear from her. She is, Mom!
Remember I am with you always,
This is a verse I will often think of, for my father, sister, brother, and others passed on. It is a moment, worth the visit. Thank you great Claire, for letting us know your mother.
This Poem was Critiqued By: Dellena Rovito On Date: 2005-01-21 18:36:39
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.90909
Hi sweet Claire,
How wonderful a tribute to your mother and your father!
You did a really nice job. One of your best.
You took the reader into your heart and showed your deep love
and how badly you missed them. You are blessed to know of such love.
The star idea is close to truth/we are made up of stars/we are stars.......
The ending of being with you always is so true. You feel her/sense her/she's really
with you.....
I'd put;
Just wanted to say “Me Too” loves
[to] Each and everyone of you.........
God Bless
This Poem was Critiqued By: Joanne M Uppendahl On Date: 2005-01-21 16:15:53
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
Dear Claire:
This not only gave me chills, but brought tears to my eyes. I have the
uncanny feeling that your Mother actually *did* write this letter. Maybe
my response is simply confirmation that we cannot lose those we love, we
can only temporarily lose the ability to see them. For if "God is Love"
then He would not create our loved ones and us in order to separate us
after the short sojourn that is the substance of a human life. Your
lovely poem also helped me remember just how tender I felt as the year
anniversary approached of both my mother's and father's passing. It
is as if they whispered to me, more audibly, "I am near." Your poem
reminds me of the *indestructible* nature of love, and our need to
remember that. My own mother passed in March; though it has been
almost twelve years ago, it is as if it were yesterday.
I just wanted to let you know
I am fine
Happy to be with dad
He sends his love
Even after all these years
He never missed a thing
What a confirmation that we are never alone, that there is more to life
than its physical end. I recall your first-hand experiences, while reading
this, and feel that you are someone who knows whereof you speak.
To the left a little you will find
A group of not so bright stars
Yet just as important
If you ask me
For it is our first year
Joining together to sing
I absolutely love this, Claire. I will not look at the stars in quite the
same way, and will be looking for the cluster where my own parents are
once more, "joining together to sing."
May you be ever more aware of your mother's love for you as the anniversay
date approaches. I believe she rejoices that you *know* that she and your
father are *not gone* but merely cannot be seen by you now. I recall
Brenda's extraordinary poem, "I No Gone Cat, You Just Not See Me Now."
Profoundly moving.
Thank you for sharing this, Claire. I needed the reminder.
I forget, over and over again, what you have shown here with love.
Best always,
This Poem was Critiqued By: Turner Lee Williams On Date: 2005-01-21 14:25:53
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.80000
Claire--I had trouble from the very start with this post. Sure, after finally
reaching,IMO, the "beginning." I'll have you know it took me several attempts
as I struggled to get completely through it and to this point;
"Remember I am with you always,
Love, Mother"
I most certainly recognized it as a Persona Poem (immediately), which uses
hyperbole and other figures of speech that create vivid imagery based on personal
knowledge/details gained from years spent in a intimate (loving, nurturing and
close) relationship with both parents.
Your presenting of this piece in the form of a conversational open letter is a
gutwrenching, heartwarming and tear-rendering coup. "A Letter from Mother" really
irritates this reader's tear ducts (and that's a good thing-smile). Thanks for
this! TLW
This Poem was Critiqued By: Joanne Duval Morgan On Date: 2005-01-21 06:49:18
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
Beautiful Claire, and I'm so sorry your Mom left your Mortal Being, but from the heart of a Daughter I'm crying, this is too close to my Heart to even critique. May Mom rest in tn the Hands of the Lord, and yes, Dad is there too, for memories arn't scribed on paper but they are etched forever in the hearts and spirit of all who gave credence to what their parents truly meant to them.
God Bless a wonderful tribute, May God Bless all, those that left and those remaining.
Best wishes, Love, Jo Mo
This Poem was Critiqued By: Kelly Denise LaBeff On Date: 2005-01-21 04:28:28
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 9.85714
Claire, This verse is absolutely beautiful, it's sad don't get me wrong, but at the same time it is comforting and beautiful. Just imagining it gives me the shivers! You made me look to envision our loved ones in heaven looking down sharing every aspect of our life with us! Oh, there's chillibumps all over even on the tip of my nose...or was that a tear? You were able to stir emotions within this reader and make me think about the beauty of death instead of just missing them because they're not HERE with us! I do have a best friend, Diane, in heaven who I know is always watching me and I can even feel her spirit, too,,,daily,,,and then there's my poor mamaw-I feel so bad for her [[tssk, tssk] having had to see me make so many many mistakes since she passed away in '87 just a few months before my first child was born. Thank you so much for writing this piece, there wasn't anything simple about it, but it was written so simply, do you understand? It all just flowed together in perfect unison, each word making sense, adding importance, and giving life to your words and life back ,,,, back to those who have preceded us. I got the most chillbumps when I read if you hear "...Angels Sing", then you're also hearing "Your mother singing too..." OOOhhhhh! I'm so sad that this was your first Christmas without your mom, but after reading this I think you've got it altogether and this verse can and will help others do and feel the same way. Claire, you did a wonderful, great job. I apprectiate this piece more than I can express actually...if I may, I think I'll close with “Me Too”
I love you, Kelly
This Poem was Critiqued By: Latorial D. Faison On Date: 2005-01-21 03:57:11
Critiquer Rating During Critique: 10.00000
Claire, I can definitely sense the peace that these words bring to you. I hope that you will find comfort in them over and over each time you read. I just wrote a poem to be faxed to a funeral home in Texas. My best friend's sister died this week.
Your poem here deliverers what every bereaved family would love to hear, that their loved ones are doing alright. I think that most of all your poem addresses the question of what happens after death. If we believe in Jesus Christ, we stand firm in our faith that Heaven and Hell await those who pass from this world to the next.
I think it's marvelous though to know a person so well, and to be able to have the sentiments that you share about your mother in this poem. There is no doubt where she spends eternity, and you make that known in this poem. Thank you for boldly penning such a touching letter.
It helps us to not only write these, but to also read them from time to time. It reminds us of death and that this life is not promised to us. I gathered that there were so many special and happy times that you shared with your mother. I think you added just the right touch by including the things in the poem that were shared with family on a personal level. For example, the "me too" brought a sense of lifting to what most would consider a heavy thought to bear.
A LETTER FROM MY MOTHER is a poem that definitely comes from within your spirit. Thanks for sharing your revelations with us, and I trust that your mother is resting in the arms of God. She made a lasting impression on you, and you can take comfort in knowing just that. Good poem.
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