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stephen's Favorite Song: Let It Be (beatles)
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Displaying Critiques 1 to 11 out of 11 Total Critiques.Poem Title | Poet Name | Critique Given by stephen g skipper | Critique Date |
LOVE SONG | Nancy Ann Hemsworth | Hi Nancy Thank you for this poem, again showing my ignorance I've never, I dont think, seen this style of poem before! There is a tender gentleness to this piece which drew me in, its given me a warm glow, just like being in love. My curiosity to the style is making me think, was this style used in early religious poems (trinity)? The celts used three alot in their pieces admittedly not alot was written down but that would really suit this type of poem, it seems to go with the rythmn of breath. Thank you for this poem I really enjoyed it take care steve x | 2006-11-15 06:13:16 |
Pleaides Poem | marilyn terwilleger | Hi Marilyn Showing yet again my ignorance I havent seen this form of poetry before, but thank you for introducing it to me! I really enjoyed the poem I dont know if it was your intent but I was put in mind of a statue standing above a lake forever surveying it in all its seasons. Short and snappy, I like!! take acre steve x | 2006-11-15 06:05:24 |
ANNE'S FLAME | Mark D. Kilburn | Hi Mark This is,imho, a very powerful and relevant poem to our days. Will we ever learn from past mistakes? I think not, unfortunatly! How many children are writing in their dairies as I type, in Iraq, in Afganhistan, in Palestine the list goes on! I read in a respected national paper on saturday that what we have allowed to happen in just a few short years will take at least a generation for the repercussions to suside. And yet its only after the recent events we start to raise our hands in protest, too late I fear Thank you for a very well crafted relevant poem, Anne Frank always humbles me take care steve | 2006-11-15 05:58:41 |
Rockets' Red Glare | Ellen K Lewis | Hi Ellen seems fitting that I'm reading this poem the day after a terror attack on a civilian city! What price so called civilisation? I to have had a friend that didnt come home (Falklands)what did he die for oil exploration rights,not the rights of british citizens! the poem as you probaly can tell emots strong feelings in me! I wouldnt change it as it is raw, and war is raw. when war is over I will raise a glass with you! thank youfor this thought evoking piece take acre steve | 2006-07-12 10:48:47 |
Shelter | Nancy Ann Hemsworth | Hi Nancy this poem struck a strong chord with me! as someone who can activly choose not to leave my own house for weeks on end, a safe haven but a flawed one! The questions that you ask are very pertinant to the "state of mind" that we find ourselves in, we know consciosly that life goes on (dont you hate that saying?) but we are happier just watching the wheels go round! I have nothing to add to your poem to me its short sharp and powerful take acre steve | 2006-07-11 03:20:28 |
I am 20 years behind schedule: still, | Mark Andrew Hislop | Hi Mark I like this piece the concept of "playing it backwards", maybe not intended, has put me in mind of the myth that playing a particular song backwards, at a different speed and you get the hidden message, it never did, and how do you get a record to play backwards?. but this poem does! I was a tad confused when I read it through the first time but on following your direction it became a clearer poem. As to the content it to struck a chord within me. Sorry that this is not a constructive, as "try it this way", crit just thought i'd let you know it worked for me cheers, take care steve | 2005-12-11 00:25:05 |
Yuletide Wish For TPL | marilyn terwilleger | Hi Marilyn Thank you for the "wish" Lets hope it comes true for poets everywhere The phrase that struck me on a poetically point was: "I wish for you silence of the snow" I have taken that you mean calm, peaceful, no truama but to this reader there is also another meaning to this phrase. Many years ago I read a book called "I can hear snow falling" it was about schizophrenia, it was a powerful read, your poem has caused me to remember, which is good! Be well Happy Christmas to you! Take acre (and float) Steve | 2005-12-09 19:04:09 |
Somewhere | marilyn terwilleger | Hi Marilyn I like this piece! seems to be written on quite a few differnt levels, forgive me if i get it totally wrong(there be no suprise if i did!) reference to you're departed husband is powerful "rock of refuge" the poem is worthy just for that line! as we both know through the pain of seperatin, life is still beating in our breast, (also the pain of toothache drives you to distraction) insidious seeds of agony...? loneliness, pain, death, tooth? not sure which way to read it? all seem to fit. somewhere between ruin and rapture...? i know that when i'm in pain either physical or spiritual i swing for high to low so much so i dont know which way is up. thisline describes that well. using it twice gives it a very strong feel sorry its not a constructive critique ie try this do that, i like it as it is! take "acre" be happy steve | 2005-11-09 18:39:55 |
Autumn Sundae (Cinquain) | Mary J Coffman | Hi Mary i dont normally review as i'm not that confident a poet to judge/pass comment on anothers words....but This i love! I'm there with you, you have given me a delicious vision of what you see (feel as if i'm there with you) The contrast of the burnig maples reaching into a cold blueberry (love that usage) sky is very strong! comparing the mountains to an ice cream superb. (i could eat these words) usage of the word garnish its great! As i said dont know enough about the style to comment on things such as count etc but reading this has made me want to read more, such a lot said in so few words! This is really lovely and it took me away from my world and let me glimpse yours thank you steve | 2005-11-09 18:05:47 |
The Cross | Jordan Brendez Bandojo | Hi Jordan very clever piece enjoyed the sentiment and will live my life enjoyed the novel approach to layout and content ie a poem about the cross written as in the form of a cross a powerful message simply put enjoyed the read have no comment to improve liked it as it is take care be happy and keep writing steve | 2003-11-09 20:20:27 |
The Boarder | Annette L Cowling | Hi Annette, Well to start with I enjoyed your poem I particularily liked the weather/emotional state contrasts also earlier in the poem the interaction of the boarder and land lady Laced with detachment Was one of my favorite phrases Two people sharing a house but not a life, nice commentary it makes you feel if the boarder was wanted to be more by the landlady there is a wistful tone to this piece again that I liked Thanks for the read Take care be happy steve | 2003-11-09 20:05:51 |
Poem Title | Poet Name | Critique Given by stephen g skipper | Critique Date |
Displaying Critiques 1 to 11 out of 11 Total Critiques.
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