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Displaying Critiques 1 to 18 out of 18 Total Critiques.Poem Title | Poet Name | Critique Given by Brandon Gene Petit | Critique Date |
I Know You | James C. Horak | I enjoyed this piece overall but I do have some mixed feelings about it...what I see here is a blend of your usual expert verbal craftsmanship and some relatively awkward lines that don't quite seem to fit. Some great lines that live up to what I've come to expect of you include: "chiseling at tender dreams" "plushness of promise" "curdling blood of children" "brought us to banquet on' "It's not too much, your eyes tell, to give" "insulated from the obvious" "the threat of frowns drawn together...." pure genius! But, for example, the Tarzan reference is a bit much. Just my opinion. Other than that it reeks of expertise! P.S. You should put together a collection of your poetry | 2006-01-24 10:10:06 |
I Know You | James C. Horak | I enjoyed this piece overall but I do have some mixed feelings about it...what I see here is a blend of your usual expert verbal craftsmanship and some relatively awkward lines that don't quite seem to fit. Some great lines that live up to what I've come to expect of you include: "chiseling at tender dreams" "plushness of promise" "curdling blood of children" "brought us to banquet on' "It's not too much, your eyes tell, to give" "insulated from the obvious" "the threat of frowns drawn together...." pure genius! But, for example, the Tarzan reference is a bit much. Just my opinion. Other than that it reeks of expertise! P.S. You should put together a collection of your poetry | 2006-01-24 10:10:06 |
Allure | James C. Horak | I would love to see this expanded into a larger poem, but the choice is up to you. Perhaps it is just fine like it is...either way I like it a lot. Simply put it has some well crafted, creative lines and descriptions that really stand out. This is especially evident with the line "...The head of a Goddess, playfully cocked..." Really sharp. You definitely have a gift. - B.G. Petit | 2006-01-23 13:04:23 |
Open Up | Thomas H. Smihula | I like this one a much I wish you would continue it and make it longer. But of course that's up to you. The flow of the poem isn't perfect but that's not important. The lines are still intriguing and original, and I connect with the desperate feelings of human emotion tied into the peice. I especially like the lines "...Will hold you high, adoring you....I make a reckless lift" including the previous rhyme. My suggestion would be to embellish between the second and last stanza and allow the final stanza to remain the conclusion. Just a mere suggestion..great potential here; run with it. - B.G. Petit | 2006-01-23 12:57:14 |
Adrift on Cloud Nine | Mary J Coffman | Simply put, this poem has some really cool lines in it and inspires the mind with some pleasant abstract imagery. Creative descriptions make this poem stand out and puts it high on my list. I like the near psychadelic touch that lingers throughout the poem. My favorite part is the line about "..licking at the shoreline of my body..." though there are several lines that really excite me. Nice work. - B.G. Petit | 2006-01-22 23:13:50 |
A Vanishing at the Shore | Thomas Edward Wright | I enjoyed the somewhat blatant creativity of this peice, notably the bold and unusual word choices. ie "pregnant rainbow...." Lots of cool lines here...the title being equally as impressive, drew me in and rightfully so. Obviously the opening phrase is powerfully meaningful, a classic use of contradiction and contrast; a popular (but not tired) gem of the english language. The first stanza altogether is beautifully worded and would be my favorite had it not been so difficult a decision to make. Its poets like you that break the mold and stretch the english language, crafty in your odd choice of adjectives and skilled in your use of metaphor and description. This poem brings to mind synesthesia and sets itself apart from the typical everyday poem. The messages are intriguing as well, deep yet universally appealing. Another one for my list. - B.G. Petit | 2006-01-22 11:16:59 |
A Vanishing at the Shore | Thomas Edward Wright | I enjoyed the somewhat blatant creativity of this peice, notably the bold and unusual word choices. ie "pregnant rainbow...." Lots of cool lines here...the title being equally as impressive, drew me in and rightfully so. Obviously the opening phrase is powerfully meaningful, a classic use of contradiction and contrast; a popular (but not tired) gem of the english language. The first stanza altogether is beautifully worded and would be my favorite had it not been so difficult a decision to make. Its poets like you that break the mold and stretch the english language, crafty in your odd choice of adjectives and skilled in your use of metaphor and description. This poem brings to mind synesthesia and sets itself apart from the typical everyday poem. The messages are intriguing as well, deep yet universally appealing. Another one for my list. - B.G. Petit | 2006-01-22 11:16:58 |
a rant | charles r pitts | This is another one of my favorites so far...I really like the rhyme and flow, and especially your innovative word choices. ie "..wilds of evil crimes." Very cool. Your meanings are also clear, which is another good point that speaks for this poem. In fact, this piece has all the key ingredients of a great poem (though they are not required)....creative lines, good flow/powerful rhyme, and self-evident meaning. Overall it just plain sounds cool! The transition between the first stanza and the second part is (intentionally, I gather) apparent, giving the effect as though the poem suddenly "speeds up." I admit the transition back to a slower, chunkier rhyming pattern at the end is a little awkward, but again the changes in flow do keep it interesting; It's the equivalent of tempo changes in a rock song. Definitely goes high on my list...keep up the good work. - B.G Petit | 2006-01-22 10:10:35 |
a rant | charles r pitts | This is another one of my favorites so far...I really like the rhyme and flow, and especially your innovative word choices. ie "..wilds of evil crimes." Very cool. Your meanings are also clear, which is another good point that speaks for this poem. In fact, this piece has all the key ingredients of a great poem (though they are not required)....creative lines, good flow/powerful rhyme, and self-evident meaning. Overall it just plain sounds cool! The transition between the first stanza and the second part is (intentionally, I gather) apparent, giving the effect as though the poem suddenly "speeds up." I admit the transition back to a slower, chunkier rhyming pattern at the end is a little awkward, but again the changes in flow do keep it interesting; It's the equivalent of tempo changes in a rock song. Definitely goes high on my list...keep up the good work. - B.G Petit | 2006-01-22 10:10:31 |
a rant | charles r pitts | This is another one of my favorites so far...I really like the rhyme and flow, and especially your innovative word choices. ie "..wilds of evil crimes." Very cool. Your meanings are also clear, which is another good point that speaks for this poem. In fact, this piece has all the key ingredients of a great poem (though they are not required)....creative lines, good flow/powerful rhyme, and self-evident meaning. Overall it just plain sounds cool! The transition between the first stanza and the second part is (intentionally, I gather) apparent, giving the effect as though the poem suddenly "speeds up." I admit the transition back to a slower, chunkier rhyming pattern at the end is a little awkward, but again the changes in flow do keep it interesting; It's the equivalent of tempo changes in a rock song. Definitely goes high on my list...keep up the good work. - B.G Petit | 2006-01-22 10:10:31 |
a rant | charles r pitts | This is another one of my favorites so far...I really like the rhyme and flow, and especially your innovative word choices. ie "..wilds of evil crimes." Very cool. Your meanings are also clear, which is another good point that speaks for this poem. In fact, this piece has all the key ingredients of a great poem (though they are not required)....creative lines, good flow/powerful rhyme, and self-evident meaning. Overall it just plain sounds cool! The transition between the first stanza and the second part is (intentionally, I gather) apparent, giving the effect as though the poem suddenly "speeds up." I admit the transition back to a slower, chunkier rhyming pattern at the end is a little awkward, but again the changes in flow do keep it interesting; It's the equivalent of tempo changes in a rock song. Definitely goes high on my list...keep up the good work. - B.G Petit | 2006-01-22 10:10:30 |
Song of the Undescribed | Regis L Chapman | I had trouble with the meaning of this poem but clarity was never really a main deciding factor for me. A good baffling, mystifying poem i sneeded at least once in a while to exercise the mind and pique the curiosity of the soul. A lot of interesting lins here, and that simply on its own makes a good poem. My favorite part is the line about "...breathing beneath the bird..." Very cool. I'm happy with the poem as is but I would love to hear your commentary and explanations on some of the mor eobscure parts of the poem if you choose to reply to my critique. - B.G. Petit | 2006-01-22 09:50:27 |
Song of the Undescribed | Regis L Chapman | I had trouble with the meaning of this poem but clarity was never really a main deciding factor for me. A good baffling, mystifying poem i sneeded at least once in a while to exercise the mind and pique the curiosity of the soul. A lot of interesting lins here, and that simply on its own makes a good poem. My favorite part is the line about "...breathing beneath the bird..." Very cool. I'm happy with the poem as is but I would love to hear your commentary and explanations on some of the mor eobscure parts of the poem if you choose to reply to my critique. - B.G. Petit | 2006-01-22 09:50:20 |
Rain | Thomas H. Smihula | I always enjoy a good tribute to something valuable to me like the rain. There will never be enough good poems addressing such a timeless natural wonder and fascination to mankind. Your wording is creative yet your meanings are often difficult task worthily accomplished here. I particularly like the stanza stating that those who avoid the rain are only afraid of repentance and renewal. Your message well said and well recieved. I also like the brevity of of the stanzas; this makes the poem sound powerful and somewhat "catchy" without initiating a rhyme. Justice well done to an inexhaustible subject. Nice work. - B.G. Petit | 2006-01-22 09:22:24 |
Moonless Nights | marilyn terwilleger | Expert wording, Marilyn, proving sometimes the shorter poems are the most powerful. I admit I don't understand what all the words mean, (chanticleer?) but they sound especially elegant and make the poem mytifying despite my ignorance. The rhyme is effective yet doesn't get stuck in my head or sound too "sing-song" many rhyming poems are haplessley doomed to do (even my own.) As breif as this peice is I will remember it clearly and keep it on my list...if you reply to my critique please clarify some of the words for me if you will; otherwise I shall be happily motivated to look them up. Thanks for sharing! - B.G. Petit | 2006-01-21 14:35:37 |
When Birdsong Colors The Air | Mell W. Morris | A warm and welcome work of art......I liek your tittle and word choices here....." if I tapped my baton" "....colors the air" "croon to the moon" "moon-struck glory" "flickers of white-streaked tails" all very artistic and rich in imagery/meaning. Glad to read your poem....keep up the good work - Brandon | 2004-12-03 16:12:16 |
The Cabin | marilyn terwilleger | Wow, what a mouthful! This is really beautiful, beautiful work, Marilyn. I'm impressed; there's so many interesting lines here, I don't know where to begin! I can really feel your emotion every step of the way through this stunning mental gallery. "...noontide", "Chimney stones turned cold", "returned to the clamor of my technicolor world" "...a breathless hush", "dulcet days of yore","a narrow esplanade that split timber grasses..." A lot of great wording in this one. The ending is a nice touch as well..."Will this phantom abide......?" You really let yourself go on this one (how un-trendy and non-mainstream of you!). This one goes on my voting list. Thanks for sharing - Brandon | 2004-11-13 14:46:01 |
Between Now And Then | DeniMari Z. | Another winne ron this site. I enjoy the subtle imagery and hitned-at meanings within this poem. I'm not sure exactly what you would call this type of poem, but the meter is strangely catchy despite its oddness. The title is creative and fits well with the theme of the poem. Some favorite lines....."..hurt would drain my smile" "a million raindrops fall...wait for your call" "..devil could steel (steal) the dream." Great work ; I'll put it on my list. - Brandon | 2004-11-05 15:58:45 |
Poem Title | Poet Name | Critique Given by Brandon Gene Petit | Critique Date |
Displaying Critiques 1 to 18 out of 18 Total Critiques.
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