Christopher T. Moore's E-Mail Address: webmaster@thepoeticlink.com
Christopher's Personal Web Page or Favorite Web Page: http://SodaKeeper.com
Click Here to hear Christopher's Favorite Song: The Wedding Song by Paul Stooky
Christopher T. Moore's Profile:
My resume is available online at http://ThePoeticLink.com/resume/resume14.doc
I am always open to contract positions and work with Web Development. Please let me know if you are interested in retaining my services. I will provide contacts upon request.
Well let\'s see... I started writing poetry at the age of 15. I was a pretty goofy kid by some people\'s standards, so writing helped me to express many of the feelings that were bottled up inside of me. I often wrote of romantic things, since I seemed to always be yearning for such a thing in my life. It was always easier for me to write a poem when I was sad, lonely or depressed... I suppose those are some of the times you need an outlet the most.
Anyway, as I got older I kept writing and of course got into some other things like computers. My creation of The Poetic Link is the marriage of these 2 loves. *smile*
I am a 30 year old father of a darling baby girl that I share with my wife of 6 years now. Our Daughter is 3 1/2 years old and growing fast.
The URL above is something that I invented while I was in college. I have yet to make any money on it... maybe one of you is a major distributor and would like to give me a hand *grin* At any rate you may find it amusing if nothing else.
Take Care,
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