Rene L Bennett's E-Mail Address: teardropscorner@charter.net
Rene's Personal Web Page or Favorite Web Page: http://geocities.com/eternal_sorrows
Rene L Bennett's Profile:
If you come here thinking you're going to read alot of happy, life is great, I couldn't ask for more, then you have come to the wrong place to read. I write alot of angst and come to think of it, I always have for alot of years. I think that is why I am a writer.I have these feelings inside my mind and soul so deep it seems I just can't reach deep enough to scratch them. I have always been a deep thinker and always searching for answers to the unknown. At an early age of writting, I had alot of questions. Questions about life and it's mysteries. These past three years, since my family died at the same time, I write alot about my grief. Though I am growing in the grief process, I feel I will always have a yearning for my lost loved ones and I will always write to them the rest of my life. It is my release so I can breath again and go on with life. My writings are more of a healing process for myself. Pen and paper are my best friends and have never let me down yet.
I do have 2 grown sons which I am extremely proud of. They are the only family I have now and they are my life.
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