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Displaying Critiques 929 to 978 out of 978 Total Critiques.Poem Title | Poet Name | Critique Given by Dellena Rovito | Critique Date |
#5 Comedy of Terror | Jana Buck Hanks | Jana, Sometimes we must wear 'the porcelain mask'to hide behind as protection. And then the fake smile's brittle. [been there] My tears are dried/and longer shiny. You said alot/with very few words. Is this a haiku? thanks Dellena | 2004-11-16 18:20:35 |
My wretched shower | Mark Andrew Hislop | Mark, Isn't it interesting when tears come when you relax and let your gaurd down? Voluntarily they fall and catch you completely off guard. I've had such a shower too. I just wish 'it' could get washed away and be gone but it doesn't seem to work like that. Sometimes I wake up crying my heart out.[poo] Hope your battle scars fade soon. You compltely captured 'the experience' I liked it all! Thank you for sharing Dellena | 2004-11-16 17:56:04 |
Great Blue Heron Sighting | Joanne M Uppendahl | Joanne, I feel like trains are in the air. I'm in the seat nearby seeing your view... The bird might just embrace your fleeting face. [because you felt his thought] You seem to have an affinity to the birdlife. They well could be your power' animals. An ally if you wish... Nice sweet poem coming from one the same. But me, but me..... I'm moving on down the track... love to you dellena | 2004-11-15 17:51:13 |
The Clock | Patricia Gibson-Williams | Pat, Believe it or not, people with children grown and gone feel the same way! Once you have children, the few years you have them with you, and then always will come the time you'll be alone...The aloneness......missingness happens to everyone. It's paralyzing. With or without children. I knoew thats no comfort. I think your poem captured well your anguish. I'm so sorry you suffer. Maybe you could help out working with children. Thanks for sharing. Dellena | 2004-11-14 17:32:05 |
FRACTURED FREEDOM | Mark D. Kilburn | Mark, Wow you just said a mouthful! And more! Truth has to be sought. What we think is true, usually isn't. And the accepted thought isn't questioned. [who cares enough/who'll listen when you know different?] noone... Most people keep too busy being busy to have time to actually think. Thinking's boring. Thinking can be upsetting as making change is most difficult and uncomfortable. Habit's are calming and easier. Besides it easier to control the masses when we all follow blindly like beef to the slaughter. Individualism could prove chaotic. And people wonder why their depressed and use tranquilizers. That's why our worlds a mess. Hopefully you won't mind my ravings. Your Selfless sharing is TERRIFIC! Dellena | 2004-11-10 18:12:49 |
Good-Bye | Debbie Spicer | Hi Debbie, Man it is tough to care for another! And to have them turn away is brutal. Poetry helps get your thoughts out there to understand yourself.[for me] If I want to examine my viepoint, I just start writing. The poem exresses well your torment. the one thing that might help is to watch your syllable count. It's a bit uneven. The day you said goodbye to me[8] I watched you turn away.[6] The stream of tears fell down my cheeks[8] Efforts made to not dismay.[7] Now you are in my dreams[6] I reach out to you.[5[ As I wake you are not there[7] Your distance becomes so true.[7] Keep writing till he's gooooooooooooone.[your web sites very nice] Love Dellena | 2004-11-09 16:39:54 |
In my mind's eye. | Keith Robson | Keith, Most enjoyable/thanks Keith. I know when you see a 'wonder' you want to forever remember. So you memorize the sight in your minds eye. Thus you were able to bring it back and write of it. Most beautifully! the dusk has drawn a curtain across the gold kissed bay,[good visual wording, thoughout] something to show you: The sun has just gone down[6 syllbles] on a truly glorious day,[8] the dusk has drawn a curtain[7] across the gold kissed bay,[6] the visions are all gone now[7] but my memories still stay,[7] or; The sun has just gone down 6 on a glorious day, 6 the dusk drew a curtain 6 across the gold kissed bay, 6 the visions are all gone 6 but my memories stay, 6 My best to you, Dellena | 2004-11-09 16:22:56 |
Blood and roses. | Keith Robson | Keith, Actually the root stalk on hybrid teas are from red roses. And even when the hybrid tea dies the red lives on. Red is the color of strength. And it will continue after man's destruction. Soon man will destroy themselves too.... unless something drastic happens to turn us around. match it/compasasion an interesting working rhyme. A good strong spirited poem! Dellena | 2004-11-09 16:04:49 |
Lunar Longing | Joanne M Uppendahl | Joanne, A thinking poem, having to dust off the brain. I like the rhyming so unnoticed. peaks/streaks/face/lakes/place/space/gall/call. A bit sexual/round cupped/streaking..And ending with star crossed lovers sighing. star crossed/the astronauts? [or all of us?] good job! I have a book called the home planet that shows beautiful pictures taken on the moon of the earth. And the many different astronaut's viewpoints, saying it was not only there mission to examine the moon, but learned that as they saw their home planet they got a new sentiment that showed them a new more wonderful appreciation of the earth! And how we should value and keep it safe. Thanks Joanne Dellena | 2004-11-09 15:53:19 |
Weathering | Regis L Chapman | Regis, This is soooooo very good. Every word flows off the tongue like sweetness. I'd love to write as you. Not only flowing but also filling. It's wonderfull to show your 'heart'and self. I breathe in and out, hot with flame [shows such passion] I run deep and stout, into cracks without fame [depth of character] I am round beyond reckoning except by dust [visually great!] found beyond beckoning except by trust [enjoyed the rhyming] most enjoyable. Thanks Regis.[started my day nice] dellena | 2004-11-09 15:05:47 |
Duet | Mark Andrew Hislop | Mark, I'm impressed by your wonderfull rhymes.act/that change/age took it/looked. They work wonderfully. I liked the bauble theme. I liked truth..... Vast and growing, it listlessly sprawls like speechless lichen over concrete walls making rocks look less the rabble I just feel bad the duet ended. Outgrew the other. You express yourself so well, that seems it should have kept you a couplet. Great ability to communicate! ciao, dellena | 2004-11-05 14:26:06 |
Circumstand | Regis L Chapman | Regis, To have time to reflect is good to do for all of us. To think of who we are, what we want and find your center. Thus attain peace. quiet peeps/seeps/rules Quiet sleeps in the trees quietly sleeps within me quietly seats a banshee.. introspection I think I'll be quiet.... Dellena | 2004-11-04 14:18:26 |
Silence | marilyn terwilleger | Marilyn, Old poem, new poem.....makes no difference. It expressed a time, a moment. And it has value. As we grow we learn, we change but our poetry just shows the process. It's all good and has it's mert. I like the thought. SILENCE IS THE MOST DIFFICULT TO ENDURE. Cause then we can hear and see...whats before thee. good.... Dellena | 2004-11-04 13:57:35 |
One second flat | Mark Andrew Hislop | Mark, What a character you must be! And it got me. I wanted one of stillness ...........and the writing area blank! [but it wouldn't do it.] take care, dellena | 2004-11-03 15:22:52 |
Tree haiku #3 | Joanne M Uppendahl | Dear Joanne, And quaking aspen quake. Wilows also weep. Just wanted to tell you of my evergreen magnolia. It's got beautifull big glossy leaves and looms huge white magnolia flowers that smell like heaven when you catch a wiff. And now the trees covered in cones! [like the pine cone but larger.] I love trees........I have almonds/pears/apricot/apple/plums/peach/and am now picking persimmon. 16 trees in my front yard. They flower/produce/change color. Everything! And they tell you what they need if you listen. Good imagery Love to you, dellena | 2004-10-30 18:34:03 |
verse 63 (Sunrise) | Erzahl Leo M. Espino | Erzahl, From the phoenix [the bird] with fire/Mt. St. Helens? Erupting after years of quietness. The eruptions is like a person/quiet, swallowing their words till one day they 'erupt and a new day begins. Thinking poem/wonderful images. Dellena | 2004-10-30 18:01:04 |
Between Now And Then | DeniMari Z. | DeniMari, I certainly could have written this poem! The secret is to not care......ha ha! If you realized the presciousness of one moment you could work at living in the now. But in the interim a tear or so might slip out. It's as if they had died/but death would be easier. Your poem took me right into 'the pain'. So that's a pretty powerful piece. As if the night would have no end Losing the day - not feeling Not loving - till when? And it all seems endless...............and it is. My best to you Dellena | 2004-10-30 15:57:48 |
verse 62 (Scarecrow) | Erzahl Leo M. Espino | Erzahl, Pretty put me in the field. And scarecrows do their job! Happy Halloween to you. Boo dellena | 2004-10-29 16:54:11 |
Boundaries | Mark Andrew Hislop | Mark, Everyone feels the boundaries locking them in a box. Wanting to be free to be thee. Dam the stop signs, taxes, bills, rules. Rebel,rebel, rebel! And with the election here and being aware of all the injustices about, we are more infuriated. But like the good citizens we are we stifle our free wheelin urges and continue on. Bound up in our innards.....[ulcers anyone?] No one's promised us a rose garden. The best lines, that hit home were; So I’ll respect all boundaries I encounter because within the World they keep the peace. But in imagination’s luscious pasture no boundary can prevent my soul’s release. The mushroom theme tends to make me think of 'magic mushrooms'. Oh to live so free, may be the end of me. Keep the spirit Dellena | 2004-10-29 15:08:21 |
Digital Poetry | Rick Barnes | Rick, I don't 'get it'. I'm completely perplexed......if you care to tell me I'd much appreciate it. Dellena | 2004-10-25 16:51:40 |
Listen, Missy! | Andrea M. Taylor | Andrea, Alcohol is a big mistake as your poem professes. [so well] As is drugs, cigarretes and all such. They pull your strings like a puppet and the you dance. They own the power. poof! Dellena | 2004-10-24 17:14:12 |
Mainstreaming | Edwin John Krizek | Edward, We don't appreciate our lives and consiousness. We think therefore we are but we aren't. we just think we are! Some people understand the passion of our malice. All the flowing.....growing....collecting....expanding....going......connect! Dellena | 2004-10-24 15:21:30 |
Finding the Muse | Edwin John Krizek | Edwin, Very good!I especially like the last 2 lines. Tell me now what secret fire can be found in the contented heart. Guide me to the ocean of your urgency. I think the contented heart can write of his contentment. This subject is actually a necessity to many. I know, we want passion! But contentment is a facet of that! your title's apt. I think your poem is peachy....thanks for the read. dellena | 2004-10-24 15:00:36 |
If You Could Live Your Life Backward | Mell W. Morris | Mell, Of course you would have bought the lavender dress and probably some wonderful perfume too. You could never have changed that destiny. Even when men take women for granted, let anything happen to you, he would be devastated. Men just don't realize whats under their noses. What you must do is be happy yourself/no matter.' That will get his attention. The poem got me thinking and involved and entertained. Who could want more from poem? Thanks for the treat. Always Dellena | 2004-10-22 18:45:17 |
The Door | marilyn terwilleger | Marilyn, You've lost a loved one. You express your grief very well. I am so sorry for your pain. Hopefully time will help you bear it. When you love someone, there will arrive the day you will part. That is so sad. The only consolation is that they're really not gone. They live in your heart, in your memories, in your soul. You can feel them in the stillness, in the night, in the melodies, and in the energy surrounding you. You are really not alone. What affects one affects all. good poem....... Dellena | 2004-10-22 17:24:36 |
Tree haiku #1 | Joanne M Uppendahl | Joanne, Very nice. I couldn't write a haiku to save me. Yours feels so very femmine. delicates-scented-dance. Theis is very picturesque in my mind and it feels nice. My tree limbs usually clash and snarl and revolt. my best sweet friend Dellena | 2004-10-20 19:04:53 |
MY THOUGHTS ON POLITICS | TJ Daniels | TJ, You're right he lies..... It's a crap shoot. They show only what they want us to know and think. Us voters can only pray for divine guidance. right on and so forth. dellena | 2004-10-18 18:29:36 |
Moon haiku #2 | Joanne M Uppendahl | Joanne, [wheres Jo?] you need a name like 'flirting' I like this a half moon smile.....with stolen light from the sun, like a cheshire cat! I'm beaming as you gave me the gift of a smile! God bless you, dellena | 2004-10-18 18:02:10 |
Incubating The Dream (Arthurian Ode Part II) | Robert Wyma | Robert, I'm really out of my element with King Arthur and The Holy Grail/Knights of the Roundtable. This keeps popping up on my list so I thought I'd at least try. I like the, rhyming in third line of each stanza.Which carried the rhyme in the 1st/3rd line And then also rhyme every other line all're a genius. and to do it so it's almost unnoticed. You are the real magician as I see it! You've put alot of work into this great piece. King Arthur/the epitome of good against evil/ was told in a dream that he should wed Gwenevere, combining their vision and purpose.[for good!] Your wording is almost of that era.Wisdom/veils/quest/destiny/dreams I just visited your Arthurian land and it was wonderful. A goblet of wine lifted to you, Always your friend, Dellena | 2004-10-18 16:53:07 |
Colombo day | Mark Andrew Hislop | Mark, What wonderful writing. I like the rhyming, it was not forced reading it. months/once works! I don't think I'd 'cap' each line, it could keep the flow going. The truth is peace, love, happiness are with [in the faces] of the one or ones we love. The world outside is troubled and torn. Colombus, himself was an evil man. Considering his treatment of native americans. I don’t care for Colombo any more either. Good job Dellena | 2004-10-17 17:44:25 |
Congress This Morning | Mell W. Morris | Mell, I needed the dictionary to interpet this poem,and it was worth it. You have a wonderful way with words and they are very femminine! Lacy curtains, leaves dancing...delicacy... Your getting older and not so fiery as you once were and you will gladly relinquish the crown. As does us all..... What's cool is you now see/understand more.Than ever before.... and that's even better. It seems now you have time to see the littlest of things and even they have alot to say/show. I'll have that cup of tea with you. Dellena | 2004-10-17 16:08:47 |
Edge of a Ledge | Primrose Maclean | Primrose, What a delightful name. Someone said to me recently, "do not give your power away". I think whoever your waiting for to say push.......has the power over you. Granted we can love the hell out someone.....but it really doesn't matter if they feel the same. You love whom you love. What does matter is if they hold your well being in their hands and you are powerless. Unless you like the picture your living in. I believe men admire women that hold their own. Noone must be on a ledge unless they choose to be. I seem to be preaching...sorry. Maybe you can glean somethinng out of this. As you see, you got me involved in this piece. It was simple to read but quite complex. I believe understanding took place and thats always the objective. From one whose lived on the edge... Dellena | 2004-10-17 15:21:55 |
FORBIDDEN AFFECTION | Debbie Spicer | Hi Debbie, You have it bad for one untouchable. But that energy/emotion could be turned to you for something good and helpful. You're expansion in your ability to love so profoundly will carry you to new heights in every realm... and that is good. Never not love because of the risk or the pain. Just love........ I liked the hidden rhyming....emotion/devotion I think you could shorten the poem as you say the same sort of thing repeatedly. But I do get your point, he's completely discombobulated your heart. Good ability to get your feelings and thoughts across. Very sweet, Dellena | 2004-10-16 22:32:48 |
Evolutionary Fractals | Robert Wyma | Hi Robert, You are so deep, I only hope I 'got' it. The seeds are full of good, right, honor, grace. Each planting and blooming showing it's true self. As do us.We are born and bloom to show our true self. Our goodness shows in our compassion to help others and thus evolve ourselves. [the spiral choice] You've written well and very meaningfull. Powerful thought. My best to you my friend, Dellena | 2004-10-15 20:02:12 |
Flower haiku #1 | Joanne M Uppendahl | Joanne, I love iris. My favorite flower.[poor mans orchid] Their sharp pointed knife hardy like leaves cut the sky into pieces.... The flower is gold like no other. Wonderful..........give me spring anyday. I send good thoughts dellena | 2004-10-15 19:50:16 |
Tree haiku #2 | Joanne M Uppendahl | Hi Joanne, dear friend, I think I might say leafy offsprings, [offsprings-describing the leaf] instead of leafy offspring........[the offspring of the leaf] I don't quite know the english rule so to speak. But hopefully you understand what I'm saying. I like the way the word means off Spring.....a also springing off the tree. It's a clever usage. I like the winds propose. I guess the winds do ask the leaf to let go/surrender. Propose their purpose. You do a nice job and you get everyone thinking. Be warm in the sun and powerful! Dellena | 2004-10-15 15:36:15 |
Moving On | Joanne M Uppendahl | Joanne, How poigant. Time moves on and we miss the ones we've known. Human/animal/whatever. I personally miss so many who have moved on. You are very thought filled. It's always calming to read your words. god bless you my friend Dellena | 2004-10-10 20:24:35 |
Sighs of Autumn | marilyn terwilleger | Marilyn, How nice..........sighs of autumn is a perfect title. I like your imagery. I felt that I was on my knees beside you. Thank you, dellena | 2004-10-10 20:03:11 |
Flow? | Ryan D Allen | Ryan, When something flows forth from a person it 'flows'. [that would be words spill out without even much thought] When you flow, you know. The above piece had the one flow through thought..... Good poem/ thought for me. Flowing doesn't mean it's perfect wording. And always a piece can be perfected. As to if your a long as you care to be and as long as you must record/write it down, and as long as you have something to say. And as expected, you must feel you are a poet so you can act as one. [this all just flowed from me] dellena | 2004-09-12 19:49:29 |
Customized Love | Jana Buck Hanks | Jana, You took me to the sweetest place. Where we wish to always be. In the touch/and grace of whom we love. I truly wish I'd again experience it/ and thus able to write of it. Time's prints on winds edge is good, very good. Most pleasing and most enjoyable. You shared your blessings. thank you, dellena | 2004-08-25 15:50:40 |
The Great Divide | Rick Barnes | Hi Rick, Being of your opinion from your previous life, you stand a bit lop-sided when looking at your relationship. [the slope of the hill/your women and you] Your heart is the long ignored and deeply weathered cavity, where your love/water can fill. Reviewing all you've come to the moment of decision. Cross the divide.....does that mean leave her? or stay with her on the side your at? If I think for days I may figure it out but spare me the anguish! I immensely enjoy your work. I like your sharp mind. Thank you Dellena | 2004-08-12 15:38:24 |
periwinkles | Wayne R. Leach | Wayne, You can almost feel them touch. You have a unique ability to arrange words. Most enjoyable for me. I like the non-capitalization. Dellena | 2004-08-05 15:24:59 |
lost at sea | Wayne R. Leach | Wayne, In very few words you put my thoughts out to sea. I've experienced being lost at sea, in a private boat, in the fog, heading to shore and not knowing or seeing how near/or far it was. It sounds like you've experienced somewhat the same. You have a wonderful way of making a picture with your words. Very cool. Thank you for taking me away... My best to you, dellena | 2004-07-28 16:19:03 |
Crystalline Life Collage | Robert Wyma | Robert, It's great to hear you're voice again......through poetry. You must be doing well. It sounds like you've been 'there' and back. But gained some peace at long last. I'm happy you are near where you wish to be. With great respect for you and your piece. always, dellena | 2004-07-23 16:57:29 |
Bushes | Regis L Chapman | Regis, Your not alone. It's terrible whats happened in this bush era. you go man, go! thanks for having the say 'you don't like it'. I'd sign you're petition if you had one! dellena | 2004-06-11 16:33:07 |
Eternal | Thomas H. Smihula | Thomas, Very nice, very inciteful. After we cry so long, we finally laugh..... sad gives way to joy. We always 'make it' somehow. INTACT. hanging on for the ride of our life.... my best to you, dellena | 2004-06-11 16:21:11 |
An Old Man's Song On Christmas Eve | Rick Barnes | Rick, I lift up my hands to applaud. This is Great! As most wish to extend our hand to others. Making a difference in this old world. And yes the ones we love are always with us. I appreciate the reminder, it calms my soul when things are a dither... Happy new year Rick, you lighten the load. Always, Dellena | 2004-01-05 15:37:03 |
Visions of Yesterday | Claire H. Currier | Lovely Claire, It's so very heartfelt. This is what poetry is..... This touches the heart. My computer's been down for awhile... Happy new year my friend. Dellena | 2004-01-05 15:18:12 |
Be Silent | Debbie Spicer | Debbie, I always look for you're work, and this ones really good. It rhymes wonderfully and I like the clarity. Good going. Hope your well. You've come a longways. my best to you, dellena | 2003-11-28 17:40:36 |
An Immodest Request | Rick Barnes | Rick, Rick, Rick, You leave me breathless. So wonderful so intimate so sexually holy. I believe all things are sexual. And all things are holy. life is holy. By denying sexuality, we deny God/life.'I'm amazed at your 'depth' you're 'right on'. warmness to you, dellena | 2003-08-14 19:50:19 |
Poem Title | Poet Name | Critique Given by Dellena Rovito | Critique Date |
Displaying Critiques 929 to 978 out of 978 Total Critiques.
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