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Mary J Coffman's Profile:
My poems are reflections of my experiences, innermost thoughts, and feelings. I find it much easier to communicate with words on paper than face to face. I am a very creative person in many ways. I enjoy writing, drawing (charcoals & watercolors), pottery, leatherwork, jewelry making (beadwork), photography, etc...I love nature, hiking, and animals. I currently live in Cololrado. I have 5 kids, and
grandkids. I am surrounded with animals: A Doberman (Imzadi),a quarterhorse paint called "Feather",and 2 hairball cats named Oreo, and Frodo Beggins! :) I look forward to "Honest Help", and a chance to learn and grow, and will appreciate an "Honest Recognition" of my work, as it comes from the heart. I also wish to thank all of you, as I have learned much from reading your work, as well. It enriches my day each time I visit you! Thanks!!
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