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I began writing poetry in May of l998. Married with three grown children, three step-children, and fourteen grandchildren. I am a paralegal who also enjoys country music, crafts and flea marketing, gardening and flowers. My poetry is a collection on love, life and the healing of the soul. Many of the poems are reflections attibuted to pain felt from others, joyful times shared, children and a walk with the Lord Jesus.

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Poem TitlePoet NameCritique Given by Claire H. CurrierCritique Date
The FileC ArrownutWell, unlike most people that I know I do not keep a file on my life....others might do for it is always there ready to jump out and smack you in the face, sort to say.....either you have a degree or you don't.....I used to think on hands training was the best for it gave you more of life's experience then the rest.....and since I never ventured off to college what good would a file do anyway......I have lived my life, its already in black and white, what good or bad I have done is there.....what good I still might want to do, perhaps a file is not needed for is not what I am after....but for many a file certainly is the answer to their problems and without that file to remind them of what they have done, who they are becoming is in order......loved the style, loved the word flow and the images of who's who.......actually I thought this to be a fun piece to write....not serious unless you honeslty need that dam file to carry on your life with......of course I smile when some say 'oh I have a portfolio and all goes into that'......its me you know.... Well if I had a file it would say" 5' 2" eyes of blue, hair color depends upon mood of the century I would say.....88 pounds at present but would rather be volumptous if yo know what I mean......I have been married twice, mother of three, grandmother of four, found the Lord in my early twenties.....Love that Lord.....I have been a cleark, a nurse's aide, a homemaker, paralegal and at present a caretaker who is disabled.....have many hobbies including knitting, crocheting, writing, critiquing, songwriting, poetry, you name it I might try it.....gardening and nature along with the animals that are in our there I now have a file.....thanks for posting, for allowing me to share with you who I am but I want to be something else in the coming I guess I should not close the pages yet. Be safe, this was fun indeed......God Bless, Claire2003-11-24 08:18:27
Soul UnattendedAnnette L CowlingHi poet....should weight be weighed? Just a thought for it would have a better feel to the read, at least for me it does...... otherwise I just love the structure, the word flow, the ease in which this one rolls....... But it should be known...Let it be known! These two little sentences add to the read tremendously along with each stanza that follows. Thank you for posting, sharing this with safe and God Bless, Claire 2003-11-23 06:51:47
japanese verse 31 (Twilight)Erzahl Leo M. EspinoGood morning my find yet another of your luscious pieces which indeed are, as always, true to form, 5-7-5 , the words choosen to describe such a twilight are can see the big ball of fire in the sky as one travels down the road or better yet watches from their home nestled within the woods as the ball of fire begins its descent into the place where no one ever travels until it fades away into the sunset of life as we know it today......there have been many such wonderful views of especially hot summer days but to find one at this time of the year, with the flare of your pen, reaches deep within my hert. Thank you for posting and sharing this with us. Be safe and God Bless, Claire2003-11-23 06:43:29
Crafted in the Hands of ShakespeareApril Rose Ochinang ClaessensApril I never did like Shakespeare nor have I ever read any of his work but I must say I simply adore is wonderfully structured, your words just flow so filled with love, emotions, and images as one continues to read.........intense is another word which spings forth to my mind........I can honestly say there was not enough of it and I look forward to perhaps more....... Wake me no more as I close my eyes tonight that I may remember your last kiss as warm as the sunlight and as gentle as a rosebud. over and over again your words are that what Shakespear was? I must have missed out on a great thing having passed him by......I do thank you for posting this for me to find, for allowing me to read it not only once but three times over that and still I am sure I will go back again for there is something beautiful within. Be safe, God Bless, Claire2003-11-22 16:01:44
The WallSergio M are very good at placing your emotions on paper and allowing them to flow......good structure within the lines of this one......the images of you taking the bricks and making that wall while somehow using life within is also seen and felt..... One more brick one less sorrow One more brick one less hate One more brick one less truth One more brick one less memory Of the unforgivable affect on me. and with each brick you place into the wall your memory is perhaps becoming whole once again ...that would be wonderful my friend for it seems to me that you have suffered much in your short life... I pray the curious in you shall take that one step which will allow you to begin the first day of the rest of your life knowing not all is like you have lived it so far.....there is good outside the walls you have been within and there is love , real love, waiting for you there if only you will let go of the pain and sorrow you have lived thus far...... Again, thank you forposting and sharing this with is never easy to let go of what we fear and venture out into the outside world but it is worth a try, a good honest try. Be safe my friend, God Bless and I look forward to more of your work. Claire2003-11-22 07:34:49
Her Healing HandsMark D. KilburnHi Mark....I am drawn in two areas with this one my friend....first of all LOVE......there is so much love within the lines.....perhaps for that wonderful wife of yours.....indeed she can heal all of your wounds....and brighten even the darkest of days.......if she is the gardener within the other parts I see and feel then the two go hand in hand....but in the beginning I thought of Nature and the beauty it brings forth each Spring and how it also fades and dies away come winter months....yet, what she has done inbetween lasts with us forever......soothing, refreshing, uplifting so much goes into the outdoors and I know you live in such a fine area of the world....that you would have access to all of this and the little birds that feed on what is presented to them as well....over and over again this read has brought forth many emotions and all of them pleasing to one's soul.....a touch with nature, a walk perhaps through the land surrounding you and the feelings involved. Thank you for posting and allowing this reader the journey through your garden. Be safe, God Bless, Claire2003-11-21 23:36:43
Finding HopeRick BarnesTo my winter birds hope is found in the feeders still in place from last winter knowing though the trees are bare the food is still here.......silly me......nice structure poet, good word flow allowing for images to come and go and for those to remain forever ........I look forward to the winter birds for they bring beauty back to the yard.....the feeders are near the kitchen windows so I can see them all, the red cardinals which are so very pretty to watch as the female , darker in color or shades of brown, checks out the area first to make certain its safe for mer mate.....the yellow and blue birds that return to feed and the little chicadees......certainly do find them strong for such little for now there remains a few leaves on the trees and the big Pine trees never lose their glow but they certainly do have a way of filling the yard with pine cones.....which this reader picks and uses for crafts......enjoyed this very much as you can tell my friend for it brought forth memories of winters past and hopes of winters to come.....thanks for posting and sharing these thoughts with us. I hope where you are the winter birds are just as pretty as safe, God Bless, Claire2003-11-21 23:26:36
Tsa-ga-gla-talJoanne M UppendahlOne can almost hear the beat of the drums as you gaze upon the title to this piece.......and indeed a wonderful adventure it has been to sit and watch the full Bever Moon as it shines on the path allowing one to view this oversized raccoon with its puffy cheeks preparing her way to safety within her winter's den......wonder if she sleeps alone during the long winter stretch.......your love of nature is reflected within the lines over and over again and thus brings forth to my mind the images you project. one can almost hear the raccoon as she says how she is wise to you and at the same time appears to be dancing on her nimble little those eyes too.....had a raccoon come into our yard one afternoon and that is a nono....for you know there is something wrong with the little critter when they venture out in daylight.....indeed this one was rabbit and chased Billy onto the front porch and was right behind him as he entered the kitchen door.....Jerry went to get his shotgun and the fury creature turned on him as well....took over a half hour to kill the little man and then we had to dispose of it ourself....took bags of lime to cover the yard where his remains fell and would you know it was near the well water area......a frightening experience for all but a lesson well learnt....when you see a raccoon come out of the woods in mid afternoon run for the hills for he certainly does mean you harm......thanks for posting and sharing this information with us.....I so love those Indian ways you have about you as well as your love for all safe my friend, enjoy the fall and God Bless, Claire2003-11-21 23:20:00
HaikuDrenda D. CooperThey do say history peteats itself every twenty years or so and you know......if I stood in front of a mirror and looked deep within I would see myself as a young bride of twenty and twenty years later I stoood and watched my daughter walk down the aisle to meet her husband to I look back upon time in that same mirror and see myself at 37 facing daughter is now 37 and facing divorce....I pray this stops with her though for I have a lovely granddaughter that should not find such sorrow in a lifetime.... true to form 5-7-5 your words certainly do bring forth images from within my soul......thanks for posting and sharing this with be safe my friend and God Bless, Claire2003-11-21 17:45:41
A Better Manstephen g skipperYour opening two lines tell me there is still hope in your heart and hers as well............a new this is the first day of the rest of your lives......enjoy each new dawn as they come my friend... I've cried a thousand tears, They've all been caught by angels, without wings, I like the above two lines very much Stephen for they tell me you have some very special people in your lives at this moment.....angels without wings.....very special indeed and they stand by you both......they are ready to laugh with you as well as catch those tears as they fall from your eyes.....and please know it is good to cry when you helps release the tension within and lifts your spirit as well..... As far as being a better man....dear poet.....the day your love shined through to this girl and has remained strong during all these long months of pain, agony, suffering, perhaps a time of reprise as well in which you might have danced into the night, holding each other tight and those nights when you just sat side by side, whether on the couch or in bed......a time of peace within each others soul as well......and God.....well He loves you both......we never honestly know His plan.......when we accept His plan for whatever purpose He has then we grow.....but to become a better man by it......perhaps that is not God's special plan.....Just know He loves you my friend and will never leave you.......I understand the pain you are in, the sorrow you must feel and the love you do not want to let is most difficult for you to post these poems filled with so many emotions.....yet, I thank you for sharing this with keeps us closer to you and your wife as well knowing she is still in our prayers......Be safe, God Bless and know this piece reaches out and touches my heart as well......Claire2003-11-21 17:39:17
Deja VuSergio M chavezSergio....I have visited the page where you post a bio on oneself if desired and found nothing on you. Perhaps you might like to open the door and allow us a look into your might help to further understand some of the poetry you post here on the link....just a thought... This piece is filled with such pain......deep pain, felt within your soul and extended out toward others.....from beginning to end it appears the form of abuse has been within your family life, smaller sister perhaps as you had to watch, then onto yourself as you felt the pain and humiliation of it all......was there no one to stop this abuse, to turn to? Where was your mother during this horrible time? Just wondering why some are so beaten and abused and others never feel the edge of it.....this person asked you to kill him and though you might have wanted to the fear within you kept you free from that and that my friend is good.....I could not imagine the horror of killing someone no matter what....and the guilt you would have lived with after even though the person deserved it our heart and our mind plays tricks on us over and over again.....your closing stanza has me a little off guard thinking perhaps this was your father abusing you but in closing you mention a brother......again, good structure with word flow allowing the images to come and grab bringing pain and sorrow along with it......thank you for posting, for taking the time to let your emotions run like they do for that is healthy in the long run.....I pray it has helped....I hope you know that nothing that happened to you was of your own fault or doing........a sick person is all it takes and someone who allows it over and over safe my friend and God Bless, Claire2003-11-21 12:45:05
Ignorant Attempt To...Sergio M chavezThe way you see humanity is described rather bleakly my friend.....perhaps it has something to do where you live? Though here we also find the rich wanting full control of all, including what is not there's to have nor to hold..... To find memories of happier times seems wonderful you seem to now be a priosoner of your own existence.......afraid to venture outside in the open air, afraid of what? The servants of the community that are toprotect you I find now make your life more fearful....just a thought though that seems true no matter where one lives these days.....when we were children the police were there to protect, it seems they are out to get own thoughts. Looking forward to a life of Pain.......pain may not mean physical as some might expect but emotional pain is more horendous at times.......harder to bear, fear that takes away life itself.... Actually poet, the way you see your world might not be so far off....the pain and suffering that is taking place around the world seems country takes from another and never gives back what riche's it has taken to assist the country that did help.....the wars, in already beaten down countries....the pain of the people within those borders, the losses sustained and the death mounts....children, always the children that suffer so....starvation runs as rampant here in the USA as it does overseas....when will our own leaders wake up and see the can one help and extend to others when they cannot care for their own what an eye opener this piece is my friend and perhaps I am so far off though this is where you have taken this reader. Thanks for the experience, the refreshment to one's soul that there is good not only evil in this world we all live in.........I hope your views take a change for the better safe, God Bless, Claire2003-11-21 12:33:24
The Last ConflictRobert L Tremblaypoetry of this nature is exhausting not only to the writer perhaps but to the reader as well.....death, destruction, the end of the world and all its contents as we know of it....certainly we have read this in the bible but to see it so vividly portrayed here and written back twenty or so years.....amazing my friend......Death rides through the ruins of the world, examining man's inhumanity, searching to assure its completeness, making sure the job is correctly completed. Interesting how you portray how the rider has no emotions in the job he is about to complete.....death, final in completion of put an end to the life of the suffering child....seems like we have seen this in a dark movie of sorts yet you and I know in reality this could take place.... the world is on a path of destruction and there are thousands of innocent children left to die.....I would not want to be one that goes around killing in the end just to end their suffering for nothing else is left available to assist them in being well certainly did create a piece back then my friend and thank you for sharing it with us today. Be safe, God Bless and I so look forward to the piece you are working on now.....Claire2003-11-21 08:17:05
A FragmentSandra J KelleyRemembering the days when indeed the rods came one after the other.....faster then a speeding bullet so they used to say be careful what you say to her or you will become her next poem........are you speaking of your muse here or a dear friend or perhaps the other you? It does not matter for it is the style, the word flow, the images you project with the flare of your pen over and over you do this......nice job poet.....erasing stories faster then you can write them does tell me this is not only you but the inner you as well........thanks for posting, for sharing with us what is given to you and for just being an active part of this link. Be safe, God Bless, Claire2003-11-21 08:07:40
acrostic 1 (Wishful Thinking)Erzahl Leo M. EspinoI am still trying to learn this form of writing my friend.....seems my dense brain is not grasping it totally though knowing the author you are I am certain it is true to form......Wishful Thinking.......okay now I just re read it and searched out each letter in the title....well done my friend and nicely put....... not an easy task to perform thanks for sharing this and for allowing me the time to 'catch' safe and looking forward to number 2 on your list of accomplishments. God Bless, Claire2003-11-21 08:03:17
Old FriendMark D. KilburnHow very touching a tribute to such a wonderful member of your family......nicely structured, words bring this little guy to life and one can see him from birth on up........even watching your wife feed and nurture the little mutt with the eye drops....a task of love right from the start.......I'm not sure how long you had Mutt with you but it seems like he was your best friend for some time......and when he knew his time was about over he still loved you as much if not more then you both loved is never easy to let go of someone you love and to me that includes our animal friends as well.......the love you shared shall remain within your heart forever my friend.......I bet there is a doggie heaven and he is watching over you as I type....thanks for posting and sharing this with us was not easy to write but well worth the safe, God Bless, Claire 2003-11-20 21:26:47
Winter Night (revised)Debbie L FischerFrost-tipped windows; wind howling fiercely Cuddled hearthside, scent of candles, background symphony softly plays, blending in unison with each tender touch. Entwined bodies together as one soul My dear friend......the only change I see is the word symphony has been changed to music which does make for a nice read as well as the original version of the poem posted which you can see I gathered and brought forward so I could compare the memory is not that good these days and I wanted to be sure of it before commenting.....I still like the feel of the poem, the structure and your word brings a warm feeling to a night filled with chill due to Mother Nature's fury and warm within the arms of someone you love, how lovely....the mood has been set.....thanks again for posting my friend, you take good care and be safe......God Bless, Claire2003-11-20 21:17:02
The Other SideMell W. MorrisHere in New England we have many wonderful little towns that offer these beautifull covered bridges.....the feeling one has when just passing by let alone driving through is joy to one's heart for it seems to take you to a different place and time......there was a time before our mom's needed such care that Jerry and I used to drive within the woods of New England in search of such bridges...old landmarks You have structured this very well, your word flow allows this reader to come and go, pass or stay, remain and watch over again as others come to see the wonders of the world of yesteryear.....even the metal bridges that held those trains as they crossed the river then ran the edge of the that is majestic as well.......... I have no doubt of your love of these old wooden bridges as expressed by your visuals. This is such a nice read with peace felt within one's soul as the journey continues on.....there is much history to be learnt as well when one takes the time to find these old bridges......there is usually an older home near by that offers an open door, come sit on the porch type and talk awhile....found a few of those here in Hew Hampshire......and once we even found a spot in the middle of the road, a four corner kind of thing, where there was a toll booth.....just a short little shanty that no one operated any longer but at one time a toll was taken to cross over the bridge..... Thank you forposting this, for bringing forth many happy memories of long drives in the woods, of seeking out a new bridge (old but new to us) and of the love of the people of years gone by for building them in such fine propoertions that they remain to this day.....Be safe, God Bless, Claire2003-11-20 16:11:25
Be SilentDebbie SpicerDebbie this is such a beautiful, inspiring piece of if written by the hand of God Himself and I am sure He are His vessel at this point in time and I know you use it wisely. The form itself is pure, easy to read, words just flow bringing forth the peace one seeks.....Indeed being silent, listening to that inner voice that speaks to us is so very important....He has used that voice more then once to save my own life asa you well know.....He takes away all our fears, doubts, torments, pains and sorrows if only we truely release it all to Him. Thank you for sharing this with us and for being the kind of person you safe my friend, God Bless, Claire 2003-11-20 07:54:32
Root of EvilDonna Carter SolesOne might ask what is her root of evil within the lines my sit and ponder one may come up with all sorts of images within the some the root of evil is nothing more then a bad thought that does not leave or a form of abuse......whether it is self induced as with drugs, alcohol, money, whatever..... This piece is very sad for it tells me that she lost her battle with the beast within her heart and thus she has been lost for eternity....... structure is good and your words just seem to flow.......they do allow the reader to use their own imagination to bring forth whatever beast within they want.....and in this case I certainly would rather let it go along with her for she is such a tormented soul.......thanks for posting, for sharing this with us and perhaps you might do a sequel and allow the beast some room to leave....just a thought..... Be safe, God Bless, Claire2003-11-20 07:25:58
Winter NightDebbie L FischerNot a typical winter night here in Tully when the winds blow and the wind is howling outside your window paine as Old Jack frost nips at the window cill.....the dogs begin to bark, Jerry throws open the window to let the cold night air in, the lights are all out and he snores........I tend to enjoy your version much better though .....nice style, form good for this nonet.......words bring forth images of peace, tranquility, love and romance while the outside world is filled with fury.........thanks for sharing my friend, hope all is well with the two of safe, God Bless, Claire2003-11-20 07:20:48
Gerald O'ReillyLeo WilderVery deep and intense emotions running through the lines within the lines poet....well structured, I find the repetition of some words adding to this piece for it brings to life the depth of the emotions within.....the sadness of the crime being committed is horible and it appears to be unpunished to the one being that should be punished and the victims are torn, lost, and now take one's life over this is painful enough and to be denied the last sacrement of your faith unthinkable, to be buried with those not in favor....of days gone by and times of old.......over and over you have touched my soul with this emotional piece......I have never known such a priest to exist within my own upgringing though I am certain there they were.....doing their touchings and harming clean souls in the process.....I pray this was not a personal experience for you dear many victims still.......thank you for posting and sharing this most difficult piece to safe in your travels and may the Lord bless you always, Claire 2003-11-19 17:59:53
Day At The Beachmarilyn terwillegerMy dear friend.......a day at the beach in style.....relaxing as it appears to me with all the beauty of the open stretch of joy before and around your is always good to post something as it is first written.......perhaps that is what was always meant to be......your visuals bring me from Tully to the white sandy beaches located in sunny Florida and I spent just one week there three years ago.....and here I am again, walking the beach before the morning sun rises in the sky, the waves though not grand in size just rolling in softly as they carress my feet and warm my soul. Need to be careful though for there is some kind of poison in the water and the fish are being brought to shore, big ones, little ones, stingrays and even jelly fish.......the birds circle overhead and swoop down to gather their morning feed.....I walked and walked that beach, never taking time to sit and watch others and every morning those black helicopters circled the area as they patrolled our was a few days before the war began, and even seeing and knowing this brought tears to your heart for knowing my son in law was at home preparing to leave for places unknown along with his group of was always the not knowing and the fear it left behind that was hard to understand and take,......your adventure of sitting on the beach, eating your lime pie and sipping your champagne and perhaps sharing a tidbit with your feathered friends has brought all of my wonderful memories of Florida to life again and in doing so refreshed my soul.....Deane went overseas, spent his time underground in intelligence, returned safely home to my daughter, his wife.....I have seen him just once as he still has maneuvers most every other weekend and that is a sign which tells me this is far from over.....the men are always on alert for a return trip and my dear friend God help us all at that point in time......The world should turn their attention of the Lord above and pray for His guidance.......then and only then will the world and its leaders come to peace.....thank you for posting, for sharing this with us......take good care, glad you enjoyed some rest safe in your travels and may the Lord continue to bless you and yours, Claire2003-11-19 17:44:33
Changing of the SatansC ArrownutWell my friend this indeed is different from what I am used to reading and I must say I enjoyed it.....good structure, nice word flow, images indeed they do come and go along the way allowing the reader to find what they may within these the way she also spoke out at the devil indicating NO.....she was not like the rest and wanted him to know that from the start....a woman in her own right. ....serial killer or not......this is a good read and I might go and find your other poems to catch on the rest. Thanks for posting and sharing with safe, God Bless, Claire2003-11-15 20:57:48
Mirrors Have MemoriesAnnette L CowlingHi Annette....are younew to this link? If so welcome.......I do not recall reading your poetry before.....though I have more to read when I am finished here.....Just to let you know I critique from my heart.....the feelings and emotions you present to me is what I respond about.....I am not the critiquer who can help you to improve your work should it need it but I will honestly tell you how I feel about your work...I like the title for it not only reflects what one sees as one stands before a mirror but perhaps what one might feel within ones soul which is also reflected through ones eyes......good structure and nice word flow....I like the way you seem to be standing there talking to these vintage mirrors that have seen many lives come and go through their walls........not only do people stop and stand in the presence of a mirror to gather their own image but some just go about their work, pleasure and duty without giving the mirror a care and that to me is when I would wonder what this mirrow has indeed seen and heard....lets take it one step further.....heard for we all hear what is around us clearly enough.....I like the 'vintage charm from long ago' again reflecting character within this home, mirror and even in your ownlife to have been able to choose to stay there because of......and then we have the sadness that has settled within your own being, the loss and the pain, the suffering perhaps over the years that has reached your most inner parts and is reflected back to you in the mirror image of yourself.....nicely done poet.....a good read, reflecting one's life and hopefully a brighter future as well. Sadness does take hold, does not let go easily either......and reinforcing the mirror have memories in closing is well done too. Thanks for posting, sharing and being a part of this link. Be safe and God Bless, Claire 2003-11-11 14:08:56
Colors of Aah!Donna L. DeanThis is beautifully written Donna and so peaceful with the pictures you have painted and then thre is the touch of emotions as you think of him with his brown eyes.........exhausted you fall upon the bed as the leaves of fall descend to the ground outside your window.....nice comparison, gentle too. The sun begins to drop like a pink pearl in a bottle of olive oil. What a lovely sunset you paint with your words in these three lines romantic to the heart as well as lovely to the sight......nice structure within the lines and your choice of words are superb. Thank you forposting and sharing this with us and I am sorry it was exhaustion that put you to bed that night...hehehe....Be safe my friend and God Bless, Claire Perhaps this is what a California sunset looks like? Nice, very nice indeed.... 2003-11-06 12:42:52
The CrossJordan Brendez Bandojo live your life and dare the w o r l d , i s a y . you suffer because of me you stumble and become weary i exempt no one anyway hold firmly I am heavy You w a n t light er ? be like Him d r i n k t h e cup. Poet.....most difficult in my book to provide images as you have projected with the structure of your words and this is a job well done......The Cross of our Lord......we should all take up that cross and make our lives accordingly but to some it is much too heavy.....For those of us who love the Lord and try to live our lives accordingly care not what the world might say.......when I stumble and fall I know it is of my own doing for I must have taken my eyes off of His great love......nice want light? be like Him, drink the cup........Can you imagine the cup He drank those thousands of years ago so we could all live be that fortunate......Thanks for posting, for sharing this with us especially at this time of the year when there is still so much hatred and confusion, killing, stealing and whatever else is going on within the world.......Thanksgiving is soon upon us and in reality we should stop and reflect what we have to be thankful I am thankful for my mom who is 92 and lives with us here in Tully......we just had a car accident and the Lord once again provided a miracle in which mom was saved......we are home, we are working together in hopes that she will regain her strength which is coming on a daily basis and she will be with us for many years to come. drink the cup......indeed we try to live it daily.......mother in law in our care too and she is 85...both in wheelchairs and twenty four hour care.....but you know what? They are where they belong....with family and at home......The road we choose in life might seem hard to others that do not live it themself and perhaps yes, somedays are harder then others but for the most part it is rewarding to see the light still shining in their eyes..... Again, thanks for posting, be safe and God Bless, Claire2003-11-06 07:29:59
Poem TitleSergio M chavezThis poem to me is a reflection of abuse.....the worse kind I am afraid....sexual abuse..... Again there might be mental abuse along as physical associated within the lines. From some of what I read I have the person abused in some kind of hospital and within the confines of his or her mind they are reaching out to those that are coming near them....... perhaps they might have tried to take and end the tragedy that surrounds them and this was the only way for them...... One particular stanza gives off reference to wanting both the good and the bad of what is dealt within.....the sexual abuse, the mental anguish, the power of control.... gosh I am so off key here poet....but this is what I am feeling at this particular time of read.... The repetition of the final stanza seems to work well here poet.......indeed 'My hate will fuel my desire" This poem reads quite well and keeps the reader traveling down line to line, stanza to stanza and images just keep jumping as one goes.... presentation of the conflict of spirit in such abuse is extremely well done. I wouldn't change this by either adding or taking away from. I thank you for posting this most difficult piece to not only write but to share as well. Be safe my friend and God Bless, Claire2003-11-05 15:54:05
Point of ReferenceThomas H. SmihulaPoint of Reference....a maze of reflection, turn around and you will find what? Yourself perhaps in search of a different direction.....Life and all its turns and twists, roads that we often take and change in mid stream......does anyone ever start on the path of life and continue to the end not making one change at all? I doubt it....Yet when one does come to the end of the line I just hope they like the person they brought along through this maze for the reflection is none other then oneself......good structure, like the word flow and the images each reader may create from their own personal read....thanks for posting and sharing my friend......for me the maze continues safe and God Bless, Claire2003-11-05 15:21:23
Suicide BomberSergio M chavezSergio, took the time to read some of your other work again for this one is so strong in emotions yet if they come from the heart and soul of someone who does this then its no wonder.....'It did take me by surprise to find such language but again, once you read on and know the source it is okay to deal with. Perhaps some might indicate though that it is a bit over stated..... The rage is quite evident though..... does well to give us a view of the "spontaneous shooter" that we would here about in the news one day enough perhaps to put fear back into our lives and then to forget the next as being just a fool.....sad to say how some can forget that me it would remain within my mind and heart for many days to come and go. Thanks for posting, be safe and God Bless, Claire 2003-11-05 08:49:59
Droughtmarilyn terwillegerMy spirit is saddened to know such things happen to the earth we so love to watch grow and bloom into full color come springtime....the beginning of new life and here in Tully very seldom, if at any time, have I witnessed what you have written within the lines plant my grden and then to watch it wither and die from lack of water is such a horrible thought let alone sight yet your words have brought forth such images.....over and over again along with the flowers that burst forth on their own probably wishing they had ventured to another place and time.....hopefully the winter's cap of snow from the mountains that surround your area will bring forth enough snow to fill those rivers and spaces yet it seems to me that the sun sits in that cloudless sky tormenting what is below........Again, you have structured this piece well, you have taken each part of plant life and shown us how lack of water and resources alters life not only human but plant and vegetable as well and what of the they too must be affected by this lack of water in your area.....I so worry about the wildlife for I love to find them all in each their own season......thanks for posting, you be safe now and may the Lord send you a shower that continues softly for many days to come......softly I say for that is the only way it will nourish your land and your spirit as well. God Bless, Claire2003-11-05 08:22:24
Sweet, Sweet Music (II)Mell W. MorrisIt saddens me to have to say I do not know music like many of you do ....other then country I do not listen.......I have poems that have been placed to music and again it is of the country nature along with gospel/ me there is nothing more calming to my soul then this kind of music.....though just the other day I went to my 40th class reunion and theyplayed songs from the 60's and I found myself singing to each one of them for the words were deeply placed within my mind and just jumped the structure of this piece, the word flow, one can see the swing taking place, hear the beat, feel the move of the floor perhaps under your feet......indeed a grand piece for those that enjoy this music and the joys it further brings to their own soul. Thank you for posting, for sharing this with us, and again, for the memories you brought out in the child in safe my friend, looking forward to more of your work....God Bless, Claire2003-11-05 08:06:26
From Night to Morningmarilyn terwillegerHello Poet;.....and painter of the heavens as well, and such beauty you have created with the love of the stars that reach far into the night, the moon to lighten our night then turning into morning light as the sun rises in the East. BUT WAIT Now you take me even further into galazies I have never seen and beyond there as well.....the colors that are before my eyes are wonderful and the warmth that is felt as we travel on......The Milky Aurora which creeps above the mountaintop.....Lord how wonderful for you to bring forth from the lining of my heart the night I stepped out and found the heavens alive with colors like none ever seen before and how then hung down about touching the top of the trees before resting at peace......and they remained for quite some time as did I just gazing out and above......with young child in my arms I felt not her weight for the beauty created by God just over powered me and this reminds me so of it....thank you for this wonderful gift..0. Your own personal journey through the heavens has once again been brought to life and shared with those you so care for....thank you my friend, be safe and God Bless, Claire2003-11-04 16:32:20
japanese verse 30 (Vulture)Erzahl Leo M. EspinoJust the word VULTURE brings forth images of 'beasts' the kind of prey that roams our sky....perhaps not here in Tully but in many parts of the world, in search of their food, they do not want for the smaller beast but for the larger ones indeed.......and they are not particular either for they will eat man as well......vigilant in their wait.....yes, they are......vulgar in what they do, again, they are for they just devour till nothing is left, and when they are done the prey is empty of what a picture painted here.........actually poet this also reminds me of someone who is capable of destroying one's mind, like a vulture they sit and wait, they prey on the innocent people of this world, whether it be with drugs, sickness or just the thoughts used to consume your mind (and there are plenty of people that do just that)..a universal piece to share with be honest about this I just had an incident yesterday with my sister and the title reminded me of her, very sad to say that but true. Thanks for posting for as always you are right on form, the thoughts are many to this reader as I am sure to others. Be safe my friend and I certainly look forward to the next.....God Bless, Claire2003-11-04 07:14:48
Mother and ChildJordan Brendez BandojoMother and Child....title alone reminds me of the Virgin Mary and the Baby greater love then She to Him and He to can also visualize the love of a mother today to her young child, how she sits rocking him or her to bed at night, singing a song which is close to their hearts......the love one shares from the birth of the baby lasts through life for both.....nothing can take that love we can say Our Lady still cradles her young son in many ways and thus the heavens rejoice..... good structure as always poet, true to form, never leaves the reader empty of emotions.....thank you for posting and sharing, be safe and may the Lord continue to bless your work. Claire2003-10-30 16:52:44
japanese verse 29 (Breeze)Erzahl Leo M. EspinoCan you not feel the shivers as you read these three lines? Certainly as the breeze carreses your cheek you just have to know something is out there giggling in the woods .......great images projected here my friend, true to form as always.......wind tickles the wood........actually it does for if you take the time to look at a tree when the wind blows its branches move about as it dancing or even trying to avoid a certain touch......the soft sounds that escape from within are also a sure sound of the tickling that is going on......superbly done my friend and thank you for sharing once again with safe in your doings, God Bless, Claire2003-10-27 18:32:48
Night DreamsMary E. GustasPoet: Lovely indeed the images you presente forth with the flare of your pen here within the lines of this read......Indeed a very seductive scene yet something I could not find in my dreams with my husband who would not even venture to try something like this.....I love candles and watching them burn, the aroma indeed that does take over one's senses.....your images not only burst forth but the aroma joins in as well. When one is so wrapped up within the boundaries of this dream ready for the feast and to be feasted upon the alarm rings causing it all to come to an a punch...... Nicely structured, great word flow and again, images are superb. Perhaps you might find another dream spot and write a sequel for us to safe and God Bless, Claire2003-10-23 07:10:24
For The Sake Of All Lovers Lost To ThisRick BarnesPoet....This is beautiful and so very touching it lifts one's soul....the read itself is superb and your structure and word flow takes this reader along each step of the way allowing for the emotions to be felt, the senses to not only see, feel, hear but to taste and smell as well............ Since first four lips created a kiss, There could burn such a fire With such passionate force That our love become flame And our souls be the source. my favorite lines are above.......actually when Jerry and I first dated it was the warmth of his lips on mine as they gently connected as if none else had ever been here before.......memories you bring forth this fine fall night....bless you my friend and I pray this great emotion continues to fill your hearts forever.... Thanks for posting, sharing and for being safe and God Bless, Claire2003-10-21 19:45:26
Haiku: WarningsDarlene A MooreHi Poet....whether you are indeed referring to the animal in all of us believe me at times I have seen each 'animal' described when those fangs so watch in the woods of Tully we also see the real animals you speak of as well......true to form for Haiku and the words you chose indeed do come alive with the read......5-7-5 form ......the man down the road from me has large seven foot snakes in his yard and if they came here I would have to shoot for my own sanity........venom indeed......thanks for posting, be safe, God Bless, Claire2003-10-21 19:40:29
Patched to TapestryDarren J LedbetterPoet......nicely written/structured piece with great word flow allowing the reader to get good visuals as well.....this is really well done.....I like the lack of punctuation as I write that way as well......allows for the reader to travel on at their own pace.....Awesome! Metaphors abound....Thanks for sharing such a personal poem with us and at the same time allowing the reader to travel in their own memories to a time own memory fails me at times so perhaps I should create my own tapestry .......thanks again for posting and sharing with safe, God Bless, Claire2003-10-21 19:36:23
a curious merrimentRachel F. SpinozaPoet.... vocabulary of well descriptive words. The person your wrote about seems to enjoy life to the fullest and that includes all situations presented in the path of life....good, bad or in between, she takes the sadness and turns in the laughter......however,I can understand why she might not be welcomed at somber events. I sometimes get a tad upset with people who talk too loud or too much at funerals or just ignore the dead person totally like they are there for a different reason and perhaps that is because they are not comfortable being there does not know for certain..... Respect should be called for especially at church gatherings and other such times..... By this lady disguising herself, " a clown", and attending anyway may indicate some other thoughts she has about the seriousness of the situation..... The flare of your pen brought forth many images which should be shared..... I might have smiled a bit too much should I have been there to see her or him in person performing as they did.....actually can you see the cops coming and draging her away? Kinda sad in a way....thanks for posting and sharing safe and God Bless, Claire 2003-10-21 19:31:14
Talking To The TreesMell W. MorrisNicely stated how leaves tell tales among themself....." also, "Ah, the glory of their stories") can you not picture it how a young couple stopped to sit beneath this old Maple tree on their walk just the other day, holding hands they just began talking and before you know it perhaps exchanged a kiss or these leaves raised their bright sides and began to dance and sing so hard they started to fall......the young couple got up and continued on their walk.....indeed a tale for sure.... "Leaves are like pages of poetry that assuage lonelines"). Like this line as well for it brings forth much food for thought to this poet..... "...attend with an inner ear."; "...lore of teardrop traces."; "...please myriad beings."; "...tallies of tree-bole rings." great structure and superb word flow allowing this reader to get lost within the colors and splendor of the forest to which these leaves do belong and for those that remain during the winter season holding on for dear life can you hear the stories they too will tell come string when it too bursts forth in new life....leaves like the pages of life one chapter after the other.....some good, some bad, some not worth repeating but still worth livinig.....thanks for posting, be safe and God Bless, Claire Today I am busy raking the orange, red and yellow leaves that have graced my yard with color......tales they tell? Well here in Tully perhaps a tale of woe as my mother in law and I exchanged tears of sadness today that she is not coming home.....for some time anyway.....and you know the leaves know for in their own way falling to the ground like they do shows me they too are sad .........2003-10-21 19:12:26
Cycles (Diamante)Dan D Lavignenot sure about this kind of form but from what I see it shows me you might have created a diamond.....well done too......and from what I further read your beat and counts are just fine as well.....actually poet I think you have done a really great job at your first attempt at this form and I congratulate you on it.....I have no idea what to do should I even attempt it......each word reflects the other.......amazing...thanks for posting and sharing this.....eager to receive your reply and perhaps you might tell me where I am wrong in my critique.......but I certainly did enjoy. Be safe, God Bless, Claire2003-10-21 18:58:24
DewdropDonna L. DeanWow Donna this is such a powerful piece in I sit in my bedroom in Tully, probably thousands of miles from where you are and yet.....its like that blade of grass is here before my eyes, I can clearly see the morning light allowing the dew to drip from the tree above be seen and there it is little speck on the blade of grass holding on for dear life afraid to let go for fear of hitting the ground at the end of the blade of grass and in thus doing so becomes a part of nature once again losing itself to the cycle of therefore the structure is good, pleasing to the eyes as well, words are just right in they allow the reader the ability to see, feel and watch as the dew falls and remains on the blade of grass. Thanks for posting and sharing this with us. Be safe, God Bless, Claire2003-10-21 09:04:39
japanese verse 28 (Rose)Erzahl Leo M. EspinoI have written many poems about the Rose which reminds me of a mother's love, in most cases perfect in every the lines as written here poet and the deep color projected with the flare of your pen.... My mother loves one single red rose in a vase for most holidays which is usually what might sit in front of her at the dining room table....she smiles as she inhales the aroma, her memories at 92 run deep and whether or not they bring forth memories of dad who has been gone forty years now I have no clue for they are private within her own mind....if she shares then she does. so indeed she drinks of the wine as the memories fill her soul and she is drunk by the beauty around her.......the rose, one petal after another it falls when completed its process of being as with page after the other we live our daily life. Thanks for sharing and true to form you always are. Be safe my friend .....God Bless, Claire2003-10-21 08:39:15
In Search Of The God ParticleDrenda D. CooperFor those who believe He is the beginning and He is the end of what we know here as human beings.......a statement so very true .........there is No Greater Love Then He Who Is.....and let all the scientist in the world try to find Him in the outer edges of our space when all they need do is look inside their own being. This is a nicely structured piece poet and your word flow allows the reader to be there, to see the images you are projecting with the flare of your take us to the limits of what might be if we could just go one step further.....perhaps but again, look within your soul and you will find the Creator you seek for without His being within you or I we would not exist......nor would any other article, particle, human, animal, that walks this earth for HE is ....... And for those of us who have experienced first hand the touch of God perhaps in dying or in living.....know He is the one who is the beginning and He alone will be the end of creation........ So for all its worth the scientist may do their probing and their inquiries but they will come no closer unless they turn within themselves as well...........this piece provides for much food for thought as well. Interesting poet, very interesting and I am glad to see you have taken on the outer limits of your own creation in search for your Creator. Thank you for posting and sharing this with us. Be safe and God Bless, Claire As for pictures....look deep into the eyes of a new born child, watch he or she search above their heads as they lay in their crib or on a dressing table and watch the smile as it appears.......have you ever wondered what they see that you do not see? A picture perhaps? Indeed not for they have just left their heavenly Father and they are seeing the angels which brought them forth to earth on their journey back home to the Father.......from birth to death our life is just that a journey and we are fortunate in that too. The wind at times kisses your cheek in such a soft embrace........again, who is doing that? Over and over you may ask yourself the simplest of questions and not need a picture to prove a thing to you. God is love and love abounds......Okay poet I will be quiet for now since I do rattle on and could continue this one as well.....your thoughts have provoked me in this direction which to me is wonderful for you have created your own image for the world to see, feel and perhaps someday even touch. 2003-10-21 08:28:08
Forever DaddyJordan Brendez BandojoHi Poet: A beautiful tribute written for your dad...I am sure it brings tears to his eyes. A parent never knows for sure if they are doing the right thing or not and unfortunately some of us lose that parent before their dad died forty years ago and so unexpectedly.......sadness that remains within my own heart to this day. Do not we all think our daddy was the best? I am sure yours is as grand as mine was......and to be able to tell him so is truely wonderful poet..... I think you have done an amazing job here of noting the different endeavors of your life as they compare to the age you were at the time...."Daddy their number I couldn't reckon" child like ."Daddy it's bottom is beyond measure"... you realize his all consuming love for you..."You gave me wings your your wisdom levitites me into a lofty seat of understanding." I love this line. The images are wonderful and the emotions are so deeply felt.... Most children think their parents know so little ...yet maturity finally comed to and with it the understanding that mom and dad are pretty smart after all!..."My child hold the string tightly so it won't get lost out of sight"..structured with pride and word flow to grow......images of important natures of life along walks way.....thanks for posting, for sharing this withus....Be safe, God Bless, Claire 2003-10-19 18:28:13
PigtailsJordan Brendez Bandojo Poet: This piece is a fun piece and it sent me searching as well.....first impression, of this vision in pigtails, was of a grade school friend, Elizabeth, and her very long pigtails and how the boys used to love to sit behind her and pull on them......oh Lord with the sisters heading the class one had to be careful you know.......or your hands would feel the ruler in short time..... boy's always had crushes on girls with pigtails....The girl kept her pigtail to this day but now has just one and is in her fifties.....she wraps it around her head and is still single.....a shame for she would have been a lovely wife and perhaps mother herself......your piece iss nicely structured with great word flow, images that makes one search the dictionary at times but that is a good thing as well........thanks for posting and sharing this with us. Be safe, God Bless, Claire 2003-10-19 18:10:59
A Thousand Vacant BodiesEddie S. IrisPoet: First of all, welcome to TPL....this piece is gut wrenching to say the least.... It asks so many questions for which we have no answers......Your opening lines concerning the stars "they were sick, they left us too." Why after a million or so years of appearing nightly in the sky would they want to leave us? Suicide is also described in many different ways "Pull that trigger...tighten that noose...swallow the whole bottle... douse yourself in karosene and light that...match" all very effective ways to do yourself in. All very sad thoughts for one to think about as well. "why do you hand out guns?" God only knows why. The world is a frightening place and we read of tragedy on a daily basis of one kind or another......Just the other day there were shootings in the school again and two students died at the hands of a friend......sadness which shall hold forever within the lives of the families, friends and even the young man that pulled the trigger...... This poem is well written and well structured with good word flow allowing the reader to feel, see, her, and become a part of the emotions contained within. It seeks answers to many questions which never get answered as well. Thanks for posting and sharing this with us. Be safe and God Bless, Claire2003-10-19 17:49:07
KiteJordan Brendez BandojoHi Poet: Perfect haiku 5-7-5 and filled with many wonderful images of the kite as it soars hight into the sky with the winds tugging and pulling as it goes...."Zephyr"..great choice of word my friend....we just had wind storm last week with gusts over sixty miles per hour and you had best held on or off you were to land wherever......the wind never does the same thing twice it just takes and goes as it wants.....twisting and turning as a skater would do once in flight...."Doughty" synnonym for brave or bold and so aptly describes someone who dares to soar with their kite in someone with the greatest imagination you could hold onto for when it lifts off the ground you go with it and there you are flying above looking down upon the earth and all that is I love to do that too.... Thanks for posting, for allowing this reader the joy of seeing and feeling the emotions within the lines. Be safe and God Bless, Claire2003-10-19 17:41:41
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